This usecase can be modified and applied to various similar scenarios as it covers many usefull techniques.
Usecase assumtions:
We are using a shared LDAP server that is organized in this way:
There are groups representing a customers
Each group contains users
We would like to allow registreation of user in a specific customer database, only if they have a specific role/group
The security is further controlled on application level, so the registratin controll is an aditional step / measure
What we ant to do:
users that login via LDAP, come with specific groups.
Make sure there is a group mapper setup for LDAP. This will ensure that groups delivered via LDAP login are passes on to further login steps.
Users in LDAP realm should have a federation link:
Also Groups fetched from LDAP should be visible:
Client connection between LDAP realm and customer realm also includes group mapper:
Step 2: Add Group to Role mapper in main realm
Enter Claim as: userLdapGroups
By using these mappers, we will be able to access any groups that are fetched from LDAP. Each group must be mapped here individually to KC Roles.
Step 3: Custom authentication flow
In this case we require users to have "fm-services" role, but remember that this name is only based on earlier mapping done in stpe 2.
Step 4: Assign authetication flow to specific provider
Select a First login flow to our custom login flow that requires specific group/role to complete.