Excerpt |
HyperDoc provides offers versioning of for all objects. Every object, documentincluding documents, link, property belong links, and properties. Each object belongs to a specific named version that can be named and accessed by is accessible to authorized users. HyperDoc allows for creating the creation of alternative versions (Drafts) for different purposes like such as planning. HyperDoc version does not relate to single object or document but rather represents The version in HyperDoc represents an entire "world" view in given versionrather than a single object or document. Low The low-level implementation is forms a part of the functionality within HyperDoc Core Database functionality. Implementation details are The details of this implementation remain transparent to the HyperDoc Application Server. Version information Information for objectsObjects |
Strict Versioning Mode allow changes in data to be made only in working drafts. Published Versions, as opposed to Drafts, cannot be changed in any way. This mode requires a new Version to be published each time a data change is required. Full audit trail is performed in this mode for each published version, as a smallest unit that is tracked. Changes performed in an editing session, within a Draft, are not tracked (consecutive changes are made in place, overwriting previous values entered in the same Draft).
Relaxed Versioning Mode allows Version creation only when needed, Published Versions are not "sealed". Editing can be performed in selected Version overwriting existing information. Only the information about the latest change is stored.
Drafts are simply working "copies" of entire database from the user point of view, but actually no data is duplicated, so the database growth is limited to necessary minimum (only storing incremental changes).
Using REST API to insert, update, delete objects and documents in proper version must be provided.
Summary for versioning modes:
Strict - Changes are allowed in Drafts only
This mode that does not allow any changes in Master archive.
All changes must be done in Draft and published as a new Version.
This mode also enforces full audit trail - as all changes are recorded and cannot be overwritten.
Relaxed - changes are allowed in Drafts and in Master Version
A mode that allows creation of versions on demand
Allows any modifications to Master Archive
Consecutive changes made in Master archive in given version will overwrite each other.
Additional Versioning options
Status | ||||
Allow modifications if newer version exists (System flag: "doNotCheckNewerVersions")
editing of object metadata is allowed when the same object has newer versions (e.g. in Drafts - for strict mode, and both in Drafts and Master when in Relaxed mode)
before there was no possibility to update object, when there were modifications present in any of the existing Drafts
this parameter applies only to updates - we do not allow deletions, if there are some changes in future versions
System default: disabled
Q: is editing allowed if newer version exists in Master? A: yes, this option applies both to drafts and master archive
Q: is editing allowed when object is deleted in Draft or newer master version? A: yes
Allow modifications of past versions (System flag: "allowPastModifications")
allow modification not only in newest (tip) version of versions alternative (e.g. in drafts - for strict mode, and both in Drafts and Master when in Relaxed mode),
before we have only checked whether we were working in draft or relaxed mode - from now only modifications in tip (newest version) of each version alternative are allowed by default
System default: disabled (this was not default behavior before)
Example 1:
System is in a relaxed versioning mode
I have an object that is in the latest version of Master Archive
This exact object is now modified in a Draft created by a user
Can I modify this object in Master, since system works in a relaxed mode?
Yes, if "Allow modifications if newer version exists" is set to Enabled - as the version in Draft is "newer".
Example 2:
System is in a relaxed versioning mode
I have an object that is in one of the past versions of Master Archive
Can I modify this object in Master, since system works in a relaxed mode?
Yes, if "Allow modifications of past versions" is set to Enabled (as you are trying to modify an object that is in a past version - non-tip version of Master Archive)
Additionally, if this exact object is now modified in a Draft created by a user
Yes, if "Allow modifications if newer version exists" is set to Enabled
Status | ||||
Allow add operations in Master archive (system parameter: "allowAddInMaster")
In relaxed mode, allow to create objects in Master
this option applies to adding all versioned entities: object, files, links, spots etc.
System default: Enabled
remarks: attaching content is treated as update object operation - should this be this way?
Allow update operations in Master archive (System parametr: allowUpdatesInMaster)
In relaxed mode, allow to edit objects in Master archive (edit metadata, attach content)
System default: Enabled
Allow delete operation in Master archive (System parameter: allowDeletesInMaster)
In relaxed mode, allow to delete objects in Master archive
System default: Enabled
Example 3:
What options are needed to perform object update in some older version from Master archive?
Can A3 be modified in place?
Yes, you will need the following options set:
Relaxed versioning mode set to Enabled - to allow updates in Master (in general)
Allow update operations in Master archive set to Enabled - to allow edit operations in Master
Allow modifications if newer version exists - set to Enabled as A2.1 in a Draft is considered to be a newer version of this object.
Can A2 object be modified in place?
Yes, you will need the following options set:
Relaxed versioning mode set to Enabled - to allow updates in Master (in general)
Allow update operations in Master archive set to Enabled - to allow edit operations in Master
Allow modifications if newer version exists - set to Enabled as A3 is considered to be a newer version of this object.
Allow modifications of past versions - set to Enabled as you are not modifying a TIP version in Master alternative.
Can I allow only:
modifications in place to object A3 (only edits) (or any object in TIP of master archive)
yes, set Relaxed mode, and set "Allow update operations in Master archive"
Prevent any modifications to A1, A2 (or any object in any of the past Master versions)
yes, set Allow modifications of past versions to Disabled
Allow free modifications in Drafts
Modifications in Drafts are always allowed.
Versioning Terms
Version – versions are used to manage change in every element stored in HyperDoc Database.
Versioning includes objects with their properties, documents, links etc.
A new version is created after every change (edit).
Nothing is deleted in the system permanently. New version is created that does not contain the deleted object.
By changing one object we formally obtain new version of the entire system, but without duplicating unnecessary data. Other unchanged objects are represented in their latest version in this way creating coherent view of the entire world – hence Multiple Worlds Framework will be used to describe entire set of features.
Alternative – alternatives are used for planning or drafting. This term is not directly available to the end user. In most cases it actually means "alternative version" when we have several versions in the system that are equally important. In user interface alternatives will be used to create personal drafts or saving future versions of the archive.
Label – labels are actually versions accessible by users. Label points to important version in the system. Between labels there can be many changes (low level versions) that are stored for audit trail and undo operations.
Current version – this is a marker that can be used to store specific version selected by administrator. This can be also seen as default version, that is the one that is visible in the system after start-up, and reflects current state of the world.
TIP – this is a marker used to accept new alternative versions into main branch. Versions are accepted, but they do not become current at the same time. It can be seen as placing versions in order. This term is also not visible to the end user and. Setting TIP in version control system will be performed behind the scenes by user functions like "publish changes".
(Detailed Version Management scenarios and Use Cases are described in separate documents.)