

Users can be managed only by HyperDoc administrators in administration panel. 


Creation of user

Manual creation

To create new user, click in Users pane on Add User button and fill the fields as shown below:

  • Username - it's a login used on login page. It's unique per database.

  • Full Name - display in various placed in application to indicate ownership, or user activity.

  • Description - available only on this dialog.

  • E-mail -  used for sending user emails when user is created and for password change. It's unique per database.

  • Provider - states whether user should be authenticated against Internal HDC database or external authentication provider

  • Password - initial password for login. Please note that user will get email with request to set his own password. 

  • Confirm Password - retype initial password.

External users are created automatically when user logs into HDC database for the first time. If authorization is complete, user account will be created in the system based on data passed from external authentication provider (LDAP, ADFS).
If user was created as External type and then it's type was changed to Internal type, this user should use Forgot password functionality from HDC login page to set his new password in HDC database.

Import/export of users from excel file

There is an options to import and export users via excel file.

Export All Users 

Creates a .xlsx file with list of all users registered in the database along with data from all columns. This includes both active and inactive users (filtering in excel file can be done to distinguish them).

Import Users 

Allows to create one or more internal users based on data from excel file. Template format for import operation can be based on sheet created from Export All Users function.
Columns that are used when importing users are:

  • User Full Name,

  • User name  - must be unique,

  • Email - must be unique,

  • Description (optional).

Below is an example of data ready for importing to HDC that will create new users.

Please note that users that were created using import function, must set their password before being able to log into system.
As there is no password required in the sheet (for security reasons), it must be set by the user, using activation token link from the welcome email or using forgot password function from the login page.

Hidden status

Users can be given "hidden" status.


Setting user to be a hidden one will make it not available in any "Share with" or "Assign to" dialogs.

On screen above we can see that users "Administrator 3" and "Administrator 4" are given hidden status. On a screen below, on User Picker those users are not available.

User removal and Active/Inactive state

User can be deleted only if there is no data associated with him. Otherwise user cannot be removed from database and proper message will be shown on Status bar.
If user cannot be deleted but we don't want this user to log into system, administrator can use Disable button to make user Inactive - not able to log into HyperDoc. 

Anonymize user data function for GDPR compliance

User data written in database as text - can be removed using new Anonymize function added to User Panel.

This button allows you to automatically replace user-related information such as usernames, email addresses, or full names with a specific string, which can be configured in the System Settings/Security/GDPR section.
This applies to various areas like Login logs, Activity logs, Redline, or Toolset names.

Chosen string will used instead of user details:

This function will not remove whole user from database. If needed, username and email must be changed manually to some not distinguish string.



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