Document toolboxDocument toolbox

(sv) List View

Translation needed

The content of this page was copied from another page tree and needs to be translated or updated.

When you finish translation, make sure to

  • Replace the label NEEDS-TRANSLATING with TRANSLATED

  • Remove this macro from the page

 Please note, that object will be deleted with subtree, using a context perspective that describes what objects to look for. 

Depending on the system settings, this can be just the Tree View objects, or also Documents or other objects available in the List View. 

Viewing documents

Users can view objects or documents in several ways. The view function is triggered by using eye icon located at the bottom of Tree and List view.

The outcome depend on the object selected for viewing:

  • If you have selected an object like room

    • If this room has a spot on a drawing, this drawing will be loaded and a room will be highlighted

    • If this room does not have any spot linked, no view will be available. 

  • If you have selected a Floor

    • If it has a default document, it will be loaded, if not, no view will be presented

    • Otherwise, select List View to browse available documents. 

  • If you have selected a Document, this document will be always loaded (the same applied to attachments)

 These object types are used only for easier reference. The same rules apply regardless of the type used. 

Example of document visible in List View, with "Picture" icon indicating that this is a document that has some content.