or all filters can be removed (along with filter bar) by using Toogle Filter bar button, It can be pressed again to activate filter bar again.
Save & Share Grid View filters
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Classic grid filtering available in column menus was now removed. Filter Bar should be used to perform all filtering tasks.
Filter management menu
A drop down filter menu is available to perform the following operations:
View saved filters list
Open all saved filters
Save currently set filter in a Grid view as a new Saved filter
Reset filter in current class
Reset filter in all class tabs
Saving a filter
Define a filter in a Grid View:
Note that the tab Rum (2) shows a filter icon, indicating that the content is filtered. You can also see two columns that have filter values set.
A filter is now ready and will be reused across other Rum tabs, for example when changing the Floor object.
To save a filter for later use, please select Save current filter As from the filter drop down:
A new filter dialog is opened:
Fill in the name and select Add to save the filter.
Sharing Filters
In order to make the filter available to other users in the system, please follow these steps:
On the Manage Grid Filters view, select the filter.
Then, use the Share function.
This view is displayed automatically when a new filter is saved or by using the Filter menu and selecting More… function:
Each filter includes an icon that indicates if this is filter created by current user, or if its a filter shared by other user.
On the user/groups list, please select desired audience:
Using Saved Filters
To use a saved filter, simply open the drop-down Filter menu and select the desired filter.
The selected filter will be applied to the current Grid View. If the filter applies to a different class, the tab will be changed automatically.
If current view does not have objects of a given class that the filter applies to, a message will be shown to indicate this:
You might need to change a perspective to the one that includes also this class of objects (for example, from Document to Object perspective)
Global administration of Saved Filters
A system administrator can review, share and delete all system filters defined by users.
In order to do so, please go to Admin Panel → Presentations → Grid Filters: