Grid View (2)

Grid View (2)

Grid View Introduction

This view usually presents data linked to object selected in a Tree View, but also search results etc. 

On the screen above, objects displayed on the Grid are selected based on the Perspective All (chosen from a dropdown menu in the upper right corner).

The list of objects displayed in the grid is shown on data pages. The maximum number of objects per page can be configured in user settings. As depicted above, the total number of objects is displayed in the bottom right corner.

For information about managing object groups please refer to Object Set page.

Extended information for records

Grid View displays several information columns that provide extended information about specific record

Content Type Column

The column C in the Grid View indicates whether a given object has any associated content. In the Tree View, the icons of objects are also modified when content is present.

Icons represent different content types:

  • represents attachment (external file), that will be loaded by system viewer if possible, if not it will be downloaded.

  • represents composite drawing that can consists of multiple raster, vector or map files.

  • No icon - no content present. 

Location Column

The location column contains a clickable icon that reveals object location information. In certain instances, an object can be linked in multiple places.

This feature simplifies the process of locating all link locations for a specific document or other object. Users can conveniently navigate to a desired location segment by clicking on it within the location path window.

Spot column

Spot column indicates if this particular object is linked to a Spot element on a drawing. If yes, it means this object can be shown on a drawing, as well as "printed" or used in API calls for images. 

Default column

Default column indicates if a specific object is set as default in current view. One default object can be set per perspective. 

A default object is the first one that will be displayed in given Grid View context, unless a Hold Tab function is used. 

Grid View functions

Add/Remove/Edit objects

Functions for adding, removing, editing and setting default links are available under Object menu. 

Multi Edit

Users can select multiple records from the grid by checking items of the same class (or sub-classes) and then using the Object menu to choose the Multi Edit function. The Grid View feature enables editing of objects from grouping tabs, such as allowing for the editing of multiple document classes from within the Document tab.

Specifics of using multi-edit view:

  • The system will compare all objects and provide a common set of properties.

  • You can expect the following results:

    • <Multiple Values> shown as a field background indicates that objects do not have the same value in that field. You have the option to enter a common value that will be assigned to all objects, or use a Clear button to remove the value from all objects.

    • An empty field signifies that none of the objects have a value in that field.

    • A specific value denotes that all objects share this value in that field.

  • Required fields will not be validated unless you opt to use the clear function. The clear function is disabled for required fields.

  • Field validation rules will only run for modified fields. In cases where dependent field validation rules are set, client-side validation might not be triggered. If the rule is not met when values for a specific object are checked, the update might be rejected by the server.

  • The Reset button rejects your unsaved values but does not remove "clear" flags.

After saving the values, a simple report displays whether all selected objects were successfully updated.

Copying Object Properties from Grid

When an object is focused in the grid, the selected row is highlighted. However, the user also selects one of the row's cells. An additional border appears around that cell to indicate that this cell is being focused.

Value from this cell can be copied to clipboard using CTRL+C keyboard buttons or from right-click context menu using Copy value option.


Object Links handling

For Copy / Paste / Unlink functions please refer to Object Linking (Relations) section.

"With subtree" mode for GridView

By default, when a single object is selected in the TreeView, linked objects (e.g. documents) are displayed in the GridView. You can also select multiple objects to see objects linked to all of the selected ones.

Sometimes there is a need to check all documents (or other objects) in the entire subtree. This can be done by using Select Subtree function, but now a more efficient way is available.

In GridView, you can activate "Subtree" mode. Upon activation, you will see objects linked to all items in the subtree. Please note that this mode is only available when a single parent object is selected.

If multiple objects are selected, this mode will be automatically disabled.

A view in normal mode, where only objects linked to selected one are displayed:

A view with subtree mode activated, where objects linked to every object in subtree are shown:

Subtree selection is performed using the same perspective as currently selected in the TreeView.

All object classes will be displayed in the Grid, without being limited to the current perspective allowance for the selected object.


Buttons is always active. Produces list of all objects (documents with their properties) for currently selected tab in Grid Tesslet.

List of all objects for selected tab is always exported (regardless of number of pages). Clicking on specific object's checkboxes will not influence report list.

Created report is of .xslx format.

Hold Tab function

When "Hold tab" button is turned on last user selected class is stored as preferred one.

When the "Hold tab" button is active:

  • The user's preferred class is selected by default when switching objects in the Tree (even if there is a default drawing set on a different class).

  • If the user's preferred class is not available, the first active tab will be used (the fallback tab is not set as user-preferred, of course).

  • When the user-selected class becomes available again upon switching to the next Tree object, the preferred class will be chosen.


When the hold is off, the tab containing the default document will be selected instead of the last user-selected class.

The hold status is saved in browser local storage (it is persistent on this browser only).

Context menu functions

Grid View records have a context menu available under mouse right click.

  1. Object Info - display extended object information with versions and data source

  2. Add to OS - add selected object to Object Set

  3. Share - copy a link to object. Both standard and link with version information can be copied. Note: this function does not actually "share" 
    an object in terms of user rights. This function only provides a shareable link, but the user must have sufitient access rights to view it. 

  4. Copy Value - copy value of a selected (right clicked) cell

  5. Add - Add new object

  6. Edit - Edit selected object

  7. Delete - Delete selected object

  8. Update Area - Update area of this object based on linked spot elements

  9. Links - show, copy or paste link for this object

  10. External - external domains data exchange

  11. Drawing - drawing menu for adding drawing content (background, vector, map drawing), manage drawing view, delete drawing. 

Select (check) objects in grid view based on selected spots in viewer

User can now mark one or several vectors in View mode, right click on them and click on option Select in Grid.

If used, then selected vector get filled check-boxes in the Grid.

Function  Highlight have two options now:

  • Highlight list (highlights all objects currently in grid list)

  • Highlight selected (highlights only objects with filled checkbox)

Please note that the current implementation will function correctly only when objects of the same class are chosen and visible to the user.

Additionally, these objects should be on the same page of the grid list (page size can be easily adjusted in User profile if needed).

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