New features, improvements and bug fixes done for version 5.0.0Table of Contents
User related changes
New Functionality
Issue [HDC-XXXX]
Use keyboard for Undo and Redo operation in Viewer
In addition to standard Undo and Redo button s located on the document toolbar, you can use keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Z: to undo last operation
Shift+Ctlr+Z: to redo last operation
Note: a focus must be set within viewer for these shortcuts to work.
Possibility to empty clipboard for vector objects
Possibility to empty clipboard for vector objects [HDC-4660]
It is possible to clear the vector clipboard after copying or cutting certain vector elements.
To do this, simply utilize the "Clear Clipboard" button located on the toolbar:
Or use context menu available for a document:
Full Screen mode for displaying drawings and attachments
A new feature has been introduced, enabling users to enter full-screen mode for drawings and attachments.
To access this mode, simply click the "FullScreen" button located on the drawing or attachment toolbar.
To exit full-screen mode, simply click on the "Exit Fullscreen" button or press the "ESC" key or the "F11" key.
New styles setting for lines
Issue [HDC-4097]
User can now add new styles for lines in all drawing elements.
When creating any shapes, you can edit their properties and change the stroke style:
The styles are predefined and cannot be adjusted for now. Those are:
Change Requests related changes
New Functionality
Issue [HDC-XXXX]
Data Exchange changes
Asset+ Sync improvements
Various improvements to Asset+ Sync that include:
Changes to Sync menu and Sync strategies
Sync options include:
Regardless of the main option selected: All / Selected / Subtree, several sync options are available.
Base options:
All - sync all objects on the list, respecting current filters and status selected.
Selected - sync only explicitly selected objects by checkboxes.
Subtree - sync selected objects with subtree. Subtree is resolved according to pre-set perspective.
Sub sync option:
Sync - sync all or selected objects now. Below is a strategy to use in this sync operation.
FMA Wins - Objects from FMA will be sent to Asset.
Asset Wins - Objects from Asset are pulled to HDC
Do Not Sync - set “do not sync” status for that objects(s)
FMA or Asset Wins strategy will exclusively be applied to objects that have not been synced previously! This encompasses objects currently labeled as "not present in Asset" or other items lacking external (Asset) date information.
For objects that have already been synced, a comparison will take place, and the syncing of objects will occur in the appropriate direction. The chosen strategy does not impact these objects.
In cases where objects have been modified on both sides, they will be designated with a "conflict" status.
Full Sync (Initial system Sync)
Now system sync can be initialized with selected strategy:
Full Sync should only be run when the sync was not initialized before or when a configuration (e.g. domain mappings) have been altered.
If new fields are added to the domain, standard sync will not pick up this change. A Full Sync is needed.
Asset Sync Manager filtering
Sync manager grid view now includes a filter bar that allows you to filter our items on the list based on any set of criteria like: object class, GUID or local/remote date.
New Data Export Capabilities
There are several new data export capabilities, especially for Fi2 data formats.
The content of the Fi2 file (both for version 1.22 and 1.3) can now be precisely controlled in the External Information Domain configuration.
Read more in the Fi2 mappings section: Fi2 Mappings
The new export engine with its mapping capabilities ensures full compliance with the Fi2 schema. As a result, the output XML content can be altered through configuration alone, without any code changes in the system.
Additional live export to LEB system is also utilising these capabilities:LEB Plugin (fi2)
Administrative related changes
Icon Manager Improvements
Several improvements to Icon Manager, that include:
Option to assign an icon name
Icon name can be added and used later on instead of a file name on all icon lists.
Option to edit Icon
Name of the icon can now be edited. Also, a new file can be uploaded in place of the old icon.
Replacing an icon file will update the respective icon in all drawings and locations where it was utilized.
Export / Import of icons
All icons can be exported / imported with their corresponding names.
The icon package can be also prepared externally (manually or by other system).
Bug fixes and other improvements
paste link here
API Changes
(check /apidocs for more details about new/changed webservices)
Issue [HDC-XXXX] - Issue name
Old Webservice:
New Webservice: