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(no) Change Management Workflow

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Since 3.8.0

Change Requests are optional functionality that requires separate activation per customer. To activate it please contact your Resseler.


A user should be able to create a change request related to a specific drawing.

A change request is a set of graphical and textual notes associated with a drawing and objects on the drawing (spots that relate to objects). By using these tools as well as comments a user can express what changes are needed.

This request can be picked up by another staff member (Change Manager), processed and at the end Resolved.

Security (access and modification) to change request is controlled depending on request state (workflow step) as well as user role in the system.

Creating and Managing Requests

To create a new request, open desired drawing and select Manage Change Requests icon on the mode toolbar:

On the side, a panel listing all active Change Requests for this drawing is shown.

Depending on context security rights you will see different options available.

Select a New request button to create new request. Fill in label for the request, and select Add. 

With a new request, a special request layer will be created and loaded automatically.

All changes made on the drawing will be strictly bound to this layer and request. You can use any redline tools to create a request markup. 

Use the comments section to add additional notes or post a reply. 

Another user with sufficient privileges will be able to reply to your comments. 

Printing Change Request content

This functionality is supported both in Quick Print and Image View (while in Change request mode), or in Print Preview when accessed directly from Change Request mode.

Only currently selected change request content will be printed. First, open desired change request as shown below:

Now choose either Quick PrintImage View or Print Preview. Print Preview mode is shown in the image below:

Activation of Change Request print is confirmed by additional status message:

We have also added new parameter for HOPA called changeRequestId (crId) that allows to get printout with one selected Change Request.


Requests shown in the main interface next to a selected drawing, relate only to that drawing.

To manage, filter, assign or transition other requests, you can use configurable dashboard panels. 

Use the add widget menu to add "Manage Change Requests" widget. You can use the widget configuration options to select what type of requests should be 

displayed in this particular widget. Requests can be filtered by workflow state, reporter (owner) or assignee. 

You can add more widgets of the same type and configure them to obtain view on different data, for example one widget can display requests reported by you, 

and another widget can display all unassigned (open) requests.

Widget configuration is saved in your profile. 

Possibility to view request details on Dashboard

User do not always want to navigate to the document to view Request details like comments or transition history. Now these details are available directly on the dashboard. 

Use the "Info" button to open details panel:

Possibility to view resolved requests

Resolved requests are normally not displayed under document menu - only active requests are shown.

Now there is a possibility to view single request including resolved one. To view resolved request, we need a reference to it that can be found on Dashboard or in notifications.

First select a request in dashboard:

The Go to Request function now will take you to the desired document, it will automatically enter Change Request mode and load the single, selected request.

Please note that after such navigation, Viewer will be in "Single request mode". Other requests will not be visible. Please use "Show all" button to load all active requests. 

Requests listing will also be reset on new document load.

Filter "Change Management" issues by parent object

When basic filters are not enough a user can now search for Change Requests withing a specified sub-tree. e.g. find request within a building, property or floor.

To activate this additional filter, use the sub-tree icon and select desired "root" object:

Now this widget will display request objects only in this sub-tree. To view all requests, please use "clear" button. 


Every request can be transitioned through workflow steps. Actions available to current user and in current Request state, will 

be presented as action buttons as visible on the image below:

Workflow transitions can also be performed directly from the Dashboard. Additionally, Go to Request, Assign to me and Assign to operations are available:

  • Go to Request button will take you directly to the drawing that this request belongs to

  • Assign to me button will assign selected request to you

  • Assign to... button will open up user picker, so that you can assign this request to someone else. Please note that this user must have Change Manager role to be able to see assigned request. 

  • Action buttons: at the end action buttons are presented. They depend on specific request state and your privileges. (Screenshot presents Submit and Discard action buttons)

You can check a history of transitions in the History tab. Every section presented there represents single transition 

performed form a given state to a new resulting state. A user name and time of the transition is also shown. 

Primary workflow steps available for Change Requests:

Request State


User Rights

Available Transitions

System Events

Request State


User Rights

Available Transitions

System Events


A request is created by the user


  • User that has created this request will have role Owner

  • All other users will have role Viewer

  • Change Manager can remove this request when on drawing?

Actions / State

  • This request is visible to all users when on the related drawing

  • Owner can see this request on his dashboard

  • Owner can add redline elements for this request

  • All changes are always located on the dedicated layer assigned to this request

Operation: Submit

Results in Open state

Available to: Owner

Operation: Discard

Results in: Request id deleted

Available to: Owner

(no events)


A request is submitted for processing

Actions / State

  • This request is visible to all users when on the related drawing

  • Owner can see this request on his dashboard

  • Owner can no longer change the request content, unless its sent back to New state

Operation: Start Progress

Results in In Progress state

Available to: Change Manager

Operation: Edit

Results in New state

Available to: Owner

Operation: Resolve

Results in Resolved state

Available to: Owner, Change Manager

"Change Request Created"

Event Owner: Request Owner

Event Target: None

In Progress

Request is being handled.

Actions / State

  • No actions are available for Change Request content

Operation: Resolve

Results in Resolved state

Available to: Change Manager (Assignee?)

"Change Request Processing"

Event Owner: Request processor

Event Target: Request Owner


Request is resolved.

Actions / State

  • No actions are available for Change Request content

Operation: none available

"Change Request Resolved"

Event Owner: Request assignee

Event Target: Request Owner


Actions available for a specific Change Request are dependent on both system roles and user relation to a given Change Request.

A user can be related to a given request and have dynamic roles by being an:

  • Owner - a user that has created that request

  • Assignee - a user that is assigned to this request

There are also general system roles

  • Change Manager - a user with this role will be able to manage all requests in the system (review, assign, transition etc)

  • Change Reporter - a user with this role will be able to create new requests (report changes) 

    User with this role alone will only be able to manage their own requests. Further limitations might apply depending on request state. 


Key actions related to Change Requests will trigger system notifications that can be managed in the Notifications area . (For more information see (no) Notifications)

Notifications relate to Change Requests:

  • Request Created

  • Request User Assigned

  • Request State Changed

  • Request New Comment

Create XLS report from Change Request list

Change request list from Dashboard can now be exported to XLS file.
Function should respect filter settings made so that only viewed rows in list are reported.

New button Export was added to Manage Change Request window in Dashboard.

This is a task that will be listed under Server task window as Change Request Export and the report can be downloaded after clicking on icon in Get Result column.

Rich text editing for change requests comments

Change request comments, now supports rich text editing capabilities for improved communication.

Due to limited space we only provide basic editing options like:

  • bulleted or numbered list

  • links support

  • text color and highlight

  • basic formatting (italic, bold etc)