(no) Custom Menu Items
In the select mode, viewer can display additional custom menu items.
Registering menu items
To register a menu item, pass array of menu item objects according to specs given below:
var menuItem = {
name: 'My Menu',
callback: this.myFunction,
context: this,
iconCls: 'icon-molecule',
domainId: '525'
var menuItems = [];
name - display name for this menu item
callbackFn - a functin that will be called when the menu item is clicked
context - context that should be set on callback function
iconCls - optional icon class that should be used with the menu item
domainId - optional domain ID, if provided, ID's from given domain will be added to function call arguments.
Response / Callback arguments
Provided callback function will be called with the following arguments:
var arg = {
contextEntity : "ENT-120681",
contextObject : Object,
selectionObjects : Array,
selectionEntities : Array
//sample handler:
var myFunction = function(arg) {
contextEntity - Entity that was right clicked
contextObject - Object linked to clicked entity
selectionEntities - currently selected entities
selectionObjects - currently selected objects (linked to entities)
Obtain objects with External ID / Class
Objects are returned with internal HDC id and class. To convert to external ID in a given domain, provide aditional domain ID parameter:
{HD.EmbededApi.registerContextMenu("My Item", this.myHandler, this, "my-icon-class");
HD.EmbededApi.registerContextMenu("My Item", this.myHandler, this, "my-icon-class", '523');
Response will be suplemented with EID parameters.
Using custom icons
Load your custom CSS or register ad-hoc CSS class.
Sample class that can be used to control custom image with embedded Base64 image (actual Base 64 content replaced by '...'):
Convenient online converter to Base 64
Or with image reference
Using Font Awesome icons
HDC 2.7
It is possible to use any of the Font Awesome icons listed here
For example, to use this icon:
use the follwoing menu item definition:
HDC 2.8
Font icons are no longer supported. Since HDC version 2.8 SVG based icons are used. A new way of defining the icon must be used.
x-fa namesapce is no longer available. Please use one of these namespaces:
fas - to be used with free "solid" icons
far - to be used with free "regular" icons
Other namespaces are not available. The syntax is fully standard as for Font Awesome 5. Sample use:
HDC 3.4
Since version 3.4 vector icons from Font Awesome PRO are available for use. Only "Regular" icon set can be used.