(no) FM Access / HDC FM Mobile
Application download links
Latest version (HDC/FMA Server 4.4 or higher)
Application Download Links | Information |
Follow this link if you have an iOS device from Apple. Requirements:
| |
Follow this link if you have a Smartphone with Android operating system. Requirements:
Other versions:
Application Download Links Please use this version for HDC / FMA server 4.3 or lower | Information |
Follow this link if you have an iOS device from Apple. Requirements:
| |
Follow this link if you have a Smartphone with Android operating system. Requirements:
Application Structure
Main Screen (Dashboard)
Main Explorer
List View
Info View
Master Archive
My Drafts
Change Requests
Application Setup
Application server settings
To start using you application, please go to Settings and fill in the Account information:
A valid server URL must be provided. You do not enter credentials at this stage, as the application does not store user name and password.
After saving the settings you will be redirected to a login page that is delivered by your application server. A login will be handled either by using internal user database, LDAP connection or
federated login like ADFS. When using a federated login, application will not store your credentials.
Other settings
Mobile application will use majority of your settings common for the desktop application. Some settings are specific to a mobile client, and they can be set in Other tab:
Lock label field in List View - enables a mode where a List View is split into two columns. When split mode is used, first column will always contain object type indicator (Normal, attachment, drawing)
and a label column. The second part of the List View will contain all remaining columns. When this option is turned of, a classic List View with all columns scrollable both vertically and horizontally will be used.
Dark mode - use this option to enable or disable dark theme.
Manage objects
To manage objects start with Explorer. Explorer is using Tree view to display basic structure of objects like Property, Building, Floor and Spaces or Equipment.
At the same time a List View can be used to get detailed view of connected objects, like documents, rooms or equipment.
Navigation tree
A view below demonstrated a typical Tree structure with a Floor object selected ("20").
When object is selected, a number of options become available.
Editing and adding new objects
The first plus sign icon allows you to create new objects.
Please note, that in this view you will only be able to add objects that match currently selected perspective.
To change the perspective, use a pull out menu activated by the Perspective button:
A Perspective menu is now shown:
When a New object function is used, a list of object types available for this perspective is shown.
Select a desired class from the menu and hit Next:
A new object form will be shown.
Fill In the required fields and select Add New:
Edit Object
Delete Object
Tree View
List View
Please note, that object will be deleted with subtree, using a context perspective that describes what objects to look for.
Depending on the system settings, this can be just the Tree View objects, or also Documents or other objects available in the List View.
A Quick Search is available for both Tree and List views. Each of them is limited to object types available in given perspective.
If searching from within a list view, a tree view will also be synchronized to reflect a parent of the found object. (e.g. a Floor for document)
Viewing documents
Users can view objects or documents in several ways. The view function is triggered by using eye icon located at the bottom of Tree and List view.
The outcome depend on the object selected for viewing:
If you have selected an object like room
If this room has a spot on a drawing, this drawing will be loaded and a room will be highlighted
If this room does not have any spot linked, no view will be available.
If you have selected a Floor
If it has a default document, it will be loaded, if not, no view will be presented
Otherwise, select List View to browse available documents.
If you have selected a Document, this document will be always loaded (the same applied to attachments)
These object types are used only for easier reference. The same rules apply regardless of the type used.
Example of document visible in List View, with "Picture" icon indicating that this is a document that has some content.
After selecting an Eye icon, a document is loaded:
Object information (attributes)
Select an object on the drawing and use Info button to view Object Information panel:
Presentation filters
Choose the filter icon, to open Filter dialog and select from available filters:
When the filter is loaded, inspect the legend and select back button to see the result on the drawing:
You can go back to the filter view, by selecting filter icon again.
Edit Overlay and Redline
Mobile app supports basic Overlay and Redline editing. Editing toolbar icons and functions:
Main Viewer Toolbar | |
Redline mode | |
Edit Overlay Mode | |
Change Management | |
Zoom Extents (full view) | |
Manage Layers | |
Quick Print to PDF | |
More options:
| |
Open Filters | |
Insert Area (text) Available in edit mode, requires selection | |
Insert Length (text) Available in edit mode, requires selection | |
Delete selected shape |
Draw shape or insert text | |
Clone shape to current (active) layer | |
Change shape color. Note: this function on changes fill color. Other properties like transparency remain unchanged and shape or layer specific. If transparency is set to maximum, changed color might not be visible. | |
Select and insert icon. |
This functionality can be used to add icons or simple shapes, including object links.
Archive version must be editable - please make sure you have selected a Draft before attempting to edit Overlay.
Navigate to desired drawing and select Edit Overlay function:
Select Drawing and Layer that is available for editing:
Layer properties like visibility and activity can be controlled here:
Close the layer selection. Layer selection is presented at the bottom of the viewer section:
Selection - selected object is located on this layer
Active - a layer selected by the user for drawing and insert icon (a target layer)
Active layer will also be used to clone spots from other layers or insert auto-texts like measurement.
If draw tools are inactive, make sure that the layer that you have set as Active is available for editing to you and is active and visible
Draw new shapes or use other editing tools:
Changes are saved automatically.
Add object link
In a Tree or Grid view, select object and from the expandable menu select Copy system link function:
Navigate to drawing, select a shape and from expandable menu select Show Links function:
Use the paste link button. The link previously copied will be added to this spot. An object will be listed as linked:
Post-it Notes
Post-it notes can be added in Redline or Change Managment modes. For more information on post-it notes, please refer to (no) Notes with text and images
While in Redline (or Change Managment) mode, select "Note" icon:
Tap anywhere on the drawing to add Note:
Tap on the Note, to see details. Use camera icon to take new photo with your device or select folder icon to select image from you library (camera roll).
If the text was modified, please use Save button to update it (save it).
Use the Eye icon to open preview of the image or file:
Various document types can be viewed directly in the application.
Depending on document type, a different view might be presented. Majority of documents will be displayed as follows:
The same document types as for desktop application are supported. Please note that the application is not able to display original files (except PDF).
Instead a converted representation of the original document is displayed. In some cases, the preview might not be 1:1 match for the native application view.
Adding Photos
Photos can be uploaded as attachments.
Note: this guide shows how to add attachments to archive. For redline type photos, please refer to "post-it" notes section.
The full process is shown on the illustrations below:
Step 1: Select an object where you want to attach Photo. Photo can be attached to any object that supports content.
In this example,w e will select a Room object and create a new Photo document, where we will attach the actual photograph.
Step 2: Open list view. There are no objects or documents created for this Room. Select a new button:
Step 3: Select desired object type from the list:
Step 4: A new Photograph form is shown. Fill in the required attributes, check Attach Photo and hit Add New.
Step 5: When the object is added, an action sheet is shown, select to either take a new photo or choose from library on your phone.
Application will need access to your photos or camera for this action to complete. Application does not browse your photos or access camera in the background.
Only a selected photo will be opened and uploaded to the server.
Step 6: When the photograph is selected, hit the upload button to send the photo to the application server.
When the photo s uploaded, a confirmation is shown. You can now Close this dialog.
The newly created Photograph object will have a paper clip icon indicating that the attachment is connected.
Hit the view button, to see the attachment.
Managing Versions and Drafts
Mobile application is governed by the same rules when it comes to version management as the desktop application.
Depending on you application settings, making changes to the data might require that first a Draft is created.
To manage versions, select Versions button form the main Dashboard:
There are three tabs available:
Master - list of master versions in the system
My Drafts - drafts created by you
Shared - Drafts created by other users but shared with you
To create a new Draft, first select a Master system Version, in most cases, this should be the latest version presented at the top of the list.
Fill in the name and Description, and select Create button. Your new draft will be listed under My Drafts tab:
Select Open button to open this draft. Use the More button to reveal additional options:
Discard - deleted the draft including all changes made within this draft
Edit - Edit the draft name or description
Publish - published the draft
Share - select users or groups for sharing the draft with