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(sv) Fi2 Export

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Configurable Fi2 Export

This export method allows user to control what classes and what tags are emitted, as well as control the type of the tag. This export allows users to export Fi2 XML with specific data tags designed for fields like ID, area or dictionary (lookup) fields.

Note, that depending on a selected view, a specific classes can be exported. Data View (Like fi2propertyview_006) will impose specific structure (hierarchy) and specific classes.

Supported Fi2 views:

  • fi2propertyview_flat → FLAT

  • fi2propertyview_006 → 006

The Fi2 export configuration is based on two sets of configurations.

The first set involves domain mappings, where you can utilize standard mapping to specify the fields from the system that need to be exported. These mappings can make use of dedicated Fi2 fields, which are detailed in the following link: .

By employing these mappings, you can determine the XML element (node) to which a specific property will be exported.

While adhering to the Fi2 standard is recommended, you have the flexibility to choose the type in which a particular value is exported. For instance, the master GUID of the object can be exported as an ID tag or as a generic value.

To configure second part - Fi2 version and other system options, please refer to:

More information regarding export to external systems via live plugins like LEB, can be found here:

Legacy Fi2 Export

FI2 Export Properties

In case of export to the FI2 format, three export options are not available: Export documents, Export geometries and Export attachments.
User can select Include subtree option only. Then export package will contain data for all floor objects that are children of the object selected for the export.


Exported FI2 package can also contain single document for each exported floor but only if two conditions are met:

  • proper Perspective for export is chosen (the one that have documents classes for Floor class so perspective of "All" type can be used).

  • floor have a default document chosen (for selected Secondary Perspective) or there is only one document for given floor.


When exporting in FI2 format, External Domain selected for the export must be the one that is used for importing FI2 files - that is the one with classes that matches FI2 standard.

Otherwise the export will fail.


FI2 ExPort Properties

Domain used in export should have following mapped properties:

  • Document

    • FI2DokumentBeteckning

    • FI2DokumentAndringsbeteckning

    • FI2DokumentTitel

  • fi2property

    • fi2prop_id

    • fi2prop_name

    • GUID

  • fi2structure

    • fi2struct_id

    • fi2struct_name

    • GUID

  • fi2floor

    • fi2spsys_id

    • fi2spsys_name

    • GUID

  • fi2space

    • fi2space_id

    • fi2space_name

    • fi2space_usage

    • fi2space_status

    • GUID

Other properties (except properties for Document) will be added as fi2XXX_value block e.g.:

<fi2space_value> <fi2value_code>fi2space_function</fi2value_code> <fi2value_value>00</fi2value_value> </fi2space_value>