How it works
This functionality allow to translate Labels for system's parts that are not translated elsewhere - especially those that can be created in system itself.
Those are:
Object Classes labels
Class Field labels
Dictionaries Values
Units labels
Error Codes
Translating is done in Administrator Panel.
Each Translation category requires that language is selected. Without this translation cannot be saved.
To translate for instance Class Fields of selected object class go to Administrators Panel -> Translations -> Class Fields
Choose desired Object Class from first dropdown menu (it will contain list of object classes from current configuration).
List of fields for chosen object class will be shown.From second dropdown select language in which you want to translate chosen field.
Click on desired row (for instance fi2space_name Rum) to translate
Cell in Translation column will enter Edit form. Type in desired text and click Update button.
If needed, repeat typing translations into more fields for this Object Class and language.
Click on Save button to save your translation (without this they will be lost). It will be active if you have done any changes to translations.
After this is done, user with English interface will see field fi2space_name with label "Room".
Error Codes are possible to be translated but for now they are not used anywhere in user interface. In future some advanced console log will use those errors but for now translation of error coded can be omitted.
Translations possible to export/import via excel file
There is possibility to export all (or only selected) translations to excel file that can be edited and then imported again.
This can be done from Export/Import Translation window in Administration panel.
To enable export button choose language from dropdown that you want to translate.
If you do not choose any of possible translations than all will be exported.
If you choose to specific translation than only those selected will be exported.
Export is done to <language>_Translations_hdcExcelReport.xls file.
Each of exported translations have it's own tab.
Editing is only possible of translation collumn.
Language does need to be chosen - HDC will read it from excel file (language is hidden in excel file).
If you do not choose any of possible translations than all will be imported.
If you choose specific translations than only those selected will be imported even if there are other translations.
After import is done, report will display listing all translations imported.
Report is not incremental - it list all translations even if they were already translated.
Column Context will inform what translation category entry is about
Column Server Message will inform what was translated and how:
Successfully updated translation for 'fi2struct_name' of class 'struct' with 'Building number' from ReferenceValue ''
This is how it coresponds to xls file:
So for reference value "" translation is now "Building number" for class struct and it's field fi2struct_name
If no translations were found for translation category HDC will report this as Critical (column Level) and description "No translation foud for this type in import file".