Rotate Shape

Rotate Shape

Since v3.7

Select & Rotate Shapes

Any shape can be easily rotated. To begin, select the shape for editing by clicking on it in edit (or Redline) mode.

Then utilize the rotation anchor to adjust the shape into the desired position.

Change Rotation Point

By default, the rotation point is set in the center of the shape. You can change the location of the rotation point by holding down the Shift key.

When you press the Shift key, click and drag the rotation point to your desired position.

Use Full Angle snap

A full angle snap option is available at the menu. Enable this function (marked with red below) for the rotate function to snap to full angles. 

The snap will be activated every 15 degrees, so that the following snap angles are possible: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180 and so forth.

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