Advanced Object & Document Search

Advanced Object & Document Search

Since 2.5.0


If a simple quick search is not sufficient, application offers an advanced search functionality that enables users to specify precise class and number of conditions to search for objects or documents.

The search can be activated as a global search by using the icon located on the main Archive Explorer window. Alternatively, an object-specific search can be activated by right-clicking on any object in the tree view and selecting the "Search subtree" function.

The **Search subtree ** function is designed to conduct searches exclusively within descendant objects, based on the perspective established by an administrator (Context perspective). For instance, the system will specifically search for rooms within a given building or documents located on a particular floor.



Using Search Dialog

  1. When you open the search dialog, start by selecting a class of objects to search for using the class picker.

  2. In the Search Conditions section, available fields will be listed in the first column. Choose the field you want to search within.

  3. The system will automatically identify the field type and adjust possible operators based on whether it's text, date, dictionary, or number. Refer to the tables below for available operators per type.

  4. Input your desired value into the search field and then click on the Search button or press Enter to initiate the search.


Available operators depending on the field type:

Number field operators


Number field operators



field contains exactly that number

Not Equals

field is different than given number

Not Less than

field has a value grater or equal to given

Not grater than

field has a value that is lower or equal to given

Grater than

field has a value grater than given

Less than

field has a value lower than given

Is empty

field has no value

Is not empty

field is not empty


Date field operators


Date field operators



Date matches exactly

Not Equals

Date is different than given


Field has a date value that is before given date


Field has a date value that is after given date

Is empty

field has no value

Is not empty

field is not empty


Text field operators


Text field operators



field contains given text (anywhere, part of)

Not contains

field does not contains given text (anywhere, part of)


field equals given text exactly

Not equals

field does not equal given text

Starts with

field value starts with given string

Is empty

field has no value

Is not empty

field is not empty


Dictionary field operators


Dictionary field operators



dictionary field has exactly that value

In set

field has one of the listed values

not Equals

field has a different value than given

Not in set

field does not have any of the listed values

Is empty

field has no value

Is not empty

field is not empty



 Note - "In Set" operator is selected automatically if more than one value is selected. 


Currently used search technology relies on HyperDoc Query Language (HQL). It does not accepts some signs like "whitespaces".
User should add additional search conditions to narrow search results.


Using multiple conditions

Additional conditions can be added in the same group and "All conditions" or "Any condition" option can be used:

  • All conditions - all conditions in this group must be satisfied

  • Any condition - any (one or more) conditions in this group must satisfied

At the bottom of search window, there is an option to Add group. Any number of groups can be added with an option to match:

  • All groups

  • Any group

Below is an example of complex query where we search for the following criteria: Find rooms (Rum) where

  • Function is either Kontor or Lager and Area BRA is greater than 30 or...

  • Function is Produktion and Area BRA is grater than 50

Additional functions for groups

  • Use "X" button at the end of each condition to remove it. Once the last condition from group is removed, a group itself will also be removed.

  • Alternatively "Remove group" button can be used to remove entire group with all conditions

Review Results

Select search results (records) in a grid view to show them in the main interface.  System will try to show the object in the grid view id possible.

If the class is not present in the selected Perspective, an attempt to show the object in Tree view will be made. 

Searching for Master GUID (FM GUID)

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