Legend Print Templates

Legend Print Templates


Since 3.2


In case a large number of objects is used for presentation purposes, a legend representing all types might grow beyond space available on the main print template. 

In that case a new, dedicated page will be added to accommodate overflowing legend. It is possible to configure a specific print template to be used as overflow for each paper format and orientation.

It is recommended to use matching template in terms of paper size and orientation, but this is not necessary. It might be useful to use smaller paper size for legend template in case of large format printing, e.g. with A1 or A0 printouts. 

Managing Legend Template Mappings

Create a dedicated Print Template

Go to Administrative Panel and select Printing → Templates section. Create new template as needed, for example:

When template is created, remove the default Viewport (right click, delete) as it will not be needed. Next, use Add Legend Window function to draw new legend windows:

Your new Legend Template can look like this:

Legend windows will be populated in order based on their ordinal number:

You can also change the style of the legend windows to anything that matches you needs. 

Add Print Template Mapping

To create a Legend Template Mapping, go to Legend Templates section and select New button:

Fill in the mapping as needed. You can add one mapping for each size and orientation pair. As a result, each paper size can have two mappings.

To remove existing mapping, select it from the list and use Delete function. 

Legend page linked to specific print template

Print templates can now have directly assigned specific legend template used for presentations on additional pages of printout.

Previously, "Legend Template" could be assigned only in general to all template of specific format and orientation. 

In Template panel click on desired print template and then on Edit button. There will be a Legend Template picker there.

Chosen legend template will be added for printouts using editing print templates when presentation is applied.


If print template does not have assigned specific legend template then it will use general legend template assigned to it's format and orientation as before.



From now on users can print document with very long legends. Overflow page will be added automatically. As seen on the example, a typical overflow template can consist of three legend panels. 

Only single overflow page is added for each main printout. When in Print Preview mode, a legend overflow is indicated by number in square brackets at the end of the legend:

In such case, when overflow template is configured, remaining legend can be seen on a next page as shown below:

Summary is visible both on first and overflow page.


Please note that when HOPA is used with specified format of output as PNG/JPG, legend template will not be added!

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