(no) Data Center Information

(no) Data Center Information

General Information

To provide uninterrupted service, HDC.cloud is operated on professional grade hardware and software platform. Each customer can benefit from this platform for a fraction of a price when compared to in house solutions.

Our servers are located within high-security premises with both electronic and physical protective measures. Our collocation center provides fire and power outage protection and is operated by one of the leading operators in Sweden.

Every part of equipment is fully redundant, that means that there is no single point of failure. That includes fast internet connection, firewalls, servers, storage system as well as cooling, fire protection and uninterrupted power supply.

Should this platform fail, due to a natural disaster or human error, there is a secondary backup facility. All data, at all times, is stored only within the European Union and accessed only by selected, authorized employees.

Non-disclosure agreements bind all Provider employees. Offsite Backup is transferred over a secured VPN connection and stored on an encrypted storage system.

Data Center Facts

All our datacenters are located in Sweden, north and south of Stockholm. Datacenters (colocation) are operated by our partner company. Base characteristics of colocation:

  • Swedish provider with owners and coworkers based in Stockholm

  • Two connected data centers with unique redundancy

  • 100 % uptime on power and cooling since December 2000

  • Sweden's first climate neutral colocation supplier (Stockholm Stad Klimatpakten, heat recovery system)

  • 100% renewable windmill power & solar energy


  • ISO 9001 - quality management system

  • ISO 14001 - environmental management system

  • ISO 27001 - information security management system (ISMS)

  • PCI DSS Certified - the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

  • ISAE 3420 - International Standard on Assurance Engagements

 These certifications apply to colocation services only. 

Data Center Security

Data center physical security characteristic:

  • Internal and external monitoring via CCTV, with all entrances/exits monitored.

  • Burglar alarm connected to a security company

  • Fire alarms go to the emergency services security company and to the supplier’s support.

  • Access to the data center is via TAG, PIN code and biometrics. 

  • The provider saves access logs for at least 18 months and CCTV for 90 days.

The data center and its surroundings are designed on the basis of the deep defense principle and are physical security compliant with security class 3 (SSF 200):

  • First layer consists of a 4-meter-high fence and electrical wires

  • The second layer consists of the building itself, which is designed on the basis of security class 3 (SSF 200) with reinforced sections around windows, doors and loading docks as
    well as a high security portal with smart key, personal code, biometrics and security guard.

  • The third layer consists of the data center where smart key, personal code and biometrics are required

  • The last layer consists of lockable racks. 

  • All layers are equipped with camera surveillance and alarm.


The supplier is responsible for ensuring that the temperature and humidity in the data center maintain an even level, suitable for data operating environments.
The supply system in the data center consists of cooling systems that are supplied with cold water from external cooling units, according to the configuration according to N+1 via a protected pipe system.

Network Access

All customers get access to our IP multihoming solution that offer high level of redundancy and  where traffic is automatically directed to the most efficient route through one of several operators.

This solution can handle interruptions at individual operators. Our service level for IP multihoming is 99.9% availability. 

Power & Efficiency

  • DC 1 - South: The supplier is responsible for uninterrupted conditioned power, according to configuration N+1.

  • DC 2 -  North: The supplier is responsible for uninterrupted conditioned power, according to configuration 2N.

  • 100% renewable windmill power & solar energy

  • 100 % uptime on power and cooling since December 2000 (start of measurement)

  • Our service level for power supply is 100% availability.

Energy Efficiency 

It is estimated that about 40 percent decrease in the amount of energy used by data centers could be achieved globally when moving all IT operations into the cloud.

Our data center is using efficient solutions that help to reduce the carbon footprint even further.

DC 1 - South information

  • This site is a certified climate-neutral data center

  • PUE number of 1.15-1.25 (depending on computer room)

  • The facility is powered by 100% renewable electricity via Vattenfall 24/7 matching, has heat recovery to Sollentuna Energi & Miljö district heating network and is equipped with environmental space for recycling and reuse. 

  • The colocation provider is certified ISO 14001, certified Fossil Free Data and members of the Stockholm City Climate Pact and the European organization Climate Neutral Data Center Pact.

DC 2 - North information

  • This site is a certified climate-neutral data center

  • PUE number of 1.30

  • The facility is powered by 100% renewable electricity via Vattenfall 24/7 matching, has heat recovery to Stockholm Exergi district heating network and is equipped with environmental rooms for recycling and reuse of electronics. 

  • The colocation provider is certified ISO 14001, certified Fossil Free Data and members of the Stockholm City Climate Pact and the European organization Climate Neutral Data Center Pact.

What is PUE and how it is calculated:

PUE stands for Power usage effectiveness. It is calculated based on this simple formula:

PUE = Total energy entering the data-center / Energy used by IT equipment inside the data-center

DCiE is a metric used to evaluate the power or energy efficiency of a data-center. DCiE represents the ratio of total amount of energy consumed by all IT equipment and resources to the entire energy consumption of a data-center.

Fire Protection

The data center is equipped with a fire detection system for early detection of fire, extinguishing systems and fire alarms that are connected via a monitored link to the emergency services, security company and the supplier’s 24/7 on-call support.