Object Classes

Object Classes

Object Classes

Object Class Manager

Allows managing Object Classes and their Class Fields.

Please remember that you cannot edit Object Class settings for the currently activated System Configuration.

Please refer to the header of the Object Class Manager to identify which Configuration you are trying to change.


HyperDoc classes support inheritance, which enables the grouping of entities such as all Ground Object classes, Building Types, or Equipment.

This feature is not only for organizational purposes but also facilitates understanding within HyperDoc Perspectives. For further information, refer to Perspective sets.

Adding new Object Class

Content Allowed - if checked, objects of this class can have drawings or files attached to them.

Class Fields

  • Required

  • Label Field

  • ID FIeld

  • Dynamic

  • Inherited

Field Types

Changing the type of a field is not supported. This capability will be blocked from version 4.4.0 onwards, as it often leads to data loss and database errors. It is recommended to add a new type of field instead. Subsequently, the data can be exported and imported into the database manually using ObjectData import, for example.

Field Sequence

To set a specific sequence, you can either utilize the Drag & Drop functionality or use the sort function available for each header.

Once you have achieved a satisfactory sequence, simply select 'Save'.

Objects With Content

Object class structure should not be confused with the object structure as used in Tesslets, for example, a tree structure.

The building structure is obtained via Perspective sets.

Good Example:

Bad Example:

Good Example:

Bad Example:


Change Object Class (Convert)

This functionality enables the transformation of an object from one class to another. For example, a user can convert one (or more) objects of type "Architect" to a "Mark" object.

How to steps:

  • On the Grid, select all the objects you want to convert to a different object type (class).

  • Click on the Add to Object Set button.



  • On the Object Set window check desired objects again and click on Convert button


  • From Class Picker window choose your target class and click Select button


Click Yes on confirmation window and inspect Object Conversion Status window

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