System Configuration

System Configuration

Each Configuration is a set of remembered settings of HyperDoc Database, that can be Activated when needed.


Each configuration consists of Perspective sets that says how data from Databae is shown in HDC and of Object Classes that group data in your database.

How activate new configuration with changed pesrpectives and object classes:

  • In System Configuration dialog create new configuration from newest active (click on it and then click on "New" button),

  • Click newly created configuration draft so it's selected (check that at the top of page)

  • Go to Object Classes or Perspectives dialogs,

  • Create newly desired classes and perspectives (again check at the top of page that you work on desired configuration draft),

  • Go back to System configuration,

  • Click on the same configuration you worked on and select Activate button.

Activation is done. If configuration was done wrongly (example: new Object class do not have any fields added) it will not work.


  • If mistake was done, create new draft from newest active configuration (the one with mistake), correct mistake and activate it.

  • Changing settings for Object Classes and Perspectives can only be done in context of not active configuration. 

  • You can change settings of Object Classes and Perspectives for different Configuration by simply clicking on chosen Configuration and than changing window to desired setting.

After activating new configuration with new Perspectives, you should add those to available perspectives for Tree or Grid (as desired) in Layout Manager.



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