


Import Panel


Import panel allows controlling of import packages.

Packages tab

Displays list of registered packages that can be selected and used for importing data to HyperDoc.


Opens up Upload window, that allows to select package from your local file system that will be uploaded and registered in HyperDoc.


Fill up the fields: 

  • Name - fill in with desired name, that will be shown on registered packages list.
  • Type - choose HDRep for HDoc Classic data,  IFC for BIM data and XLS for MS Excel files.
  • File - click button  to open system window to select package for upload



Clicking this button will open Registered packages window that will show packages that are present 

Packages uploaded to HyperHouse package repository are shown in this dialog. 
They can be selected and Registered so they can be imported.  

Import dialog 

Available when registered package is selected from list. Will import data from the package into HyperDoc system in context of currently active version draft.

After selecting registered package from the list, click on Import button to see Import dialog (it can differ based on what Import package Type was selected).

General section

  • External Information Domain (common for all imports) -  choose properly configured domain from which you want to import.
  • Context Object (HDRep , FI2 and IFC imports only) - choose root object for import. You can use Graphical Object Picker:

    or expand window to type Object ID and Class ID:

    Pay special attention to proper selection of root object for import. The topmost object in hierarchy of objects in the package to be imported will be linked to object selected as a root of import task. 

  • Matching Perspective (XSL and NaverHdoc only) - choose desired perspective form dropdown menu you want to import to.

Documents section

  • Import documents (in NavetHdoc and Excel imports this option is always set to true) - decide whether to import documents or not.
  • Remove existing raster - when checked, updated documents will have existing raster file removed before importing drawing from package.

  • Vector Processing Mode parameter with 3 possibilities. This will define how updated drawing's overlay will be handled.

    • Clear matched layers (default option): updated (matched by name) layers will be removed and new layers with content from package will be added. Layers that exists but are not in imported package will not be removed.
    • Preserve matched layers: updated (matched) layer's content will not be removed from database. All layers with spots will be added from package as well so duplicate spots are possible.
    • Remove existing overlay: removes existing overlay before import (redline is not removed).
  • Add unmapped layers -  if checked it will enable import of layers that come with import but were not mapped in layer mapping.

  • Start tiling rasters - if turned on tiling process will be started automatically after import is successfully done (it will not be started if it fails). It will create separate process of processing all images from imported package that will continue after import id done.

Object section

  • Add unmatched object - if checked it will enable import of incoming objects that were not matched with existing ones in TOBIS.
  • Remove Surplus Objects (HDRep and FI2 imports only) - This option is to be used for update purpose. If checked then user can select classes in field Classes to clean.
    This option removes objects that are linked to imported/mapped object but are not part of imported package.
    Remove surplus objects option applies only to objects that are not in imported package, but are present in the database before import and are linked to matched imported or import configuration context objects.
  • Classes to clean indicates classes which objects are to be searched for surplus objects. If surplus object is found, it's link will be removed. Afterwards, if object has no links, it will be removed along with it's content.

  • Unlink updated objects - When this option is checked, objects of class selected in Classes to unlink combo and that are matched for update (during import) will have all existing links to objects deleted first.
    New links will be created as listed in the import package.
    (warning) Be careful when using this option for manually managed objects - all additional links added by the user will be removed.  Links present in the import package will be used as "master" data. 
  • Classes to unlink - selects object classes of updated object that will first have all existing link removed during import. 
    (warning) If Unlink updated objects is turned on but this option Classes to unlink is empty (no class is chosen) then un-linking will be done for all updated objects.

Post processing section

  • Perform Auto-Linking - if checked links will be created automatically between imported objects based on mapping done in Auto-Linking.

You can check the status of import under tab Import Log.

Please note that using Upload button, package is uploaded and registered in the same time.
This option will be used (and improved in near future) for uploading larger packages of data.

Import Log tab (reports)

Shows list of performed imports and their status with detailed information.


 Possible Statuses of Import:

    • Started(0),
    • Success(1),
    • InProgress(2),
    • Failed(3),
    • Scheduled(4),
    • FinishedWithErrors(5),
    • FinishedWithWarnings(6);


Only one import is being performed by system at each time. If multiply imports are run, than all but first, are added to que.
Import log do not show imports waiting for their turn. Full list of task (with scheduled one) can be seen in System\Running Processes panel


To see details about import - chose on from the list and browse through tabs below to see more information.

Failed  status does not always mean that nothing has been added to database. Some imports may fail after adding some of the objects.
Please check Report and Object tab or download xml report to check if and what was added to DB.  

Details tab

Details tab shows all jobs done under import.


Report tab

Report tab displays summary information about selected import with objects statistics.


Objects tab

Contains paged list with each imported Object (Documents are objects too) and status of it's import to HDC.

Possible statuses of each operation are:

  • add 
  • edit 
  • warning  - warnings are present when Object was imported but something else went wrong (some may be just a remark but some are crucial - like not tiled rasters or broken TAF files).
  • error  - errors are encountered when severe problem appears (like Object was not added at all or added without content).

Errors encountered are filtered to be on top of the list. 

When clicked on Object entry, right panel will show more details about operations done for this object.

Column Status Code will provide with information on problems detected during import. Tooltip with full message text will appear if mouse is hovered over this column.

Unmatched objects

Objects that were detected in import package but could not be matched with any HDC object using selected External Domain were just omitted. 

HDC will now try to report them under Unmatched tab in Import Log window.

In example from screen we can see list of objects that were detected in import packages but were not added to HDC during import due to bad domain matching.
We try to add as much information as possible.  In this case External class VS is given and each of object external ID taken from import package.

Possible error messages with codes are: 

  • IMPORTED_OBJECT_ERROR_15: 'Object links parsing error',
  • IMPORTED_OBJECT_ERROR_14 : 'File parsing error',
  • IMPORTED_OBJECT_ERROR_13 : 'Empty imported object id',
  • IMPORTED_OBJECT_ERROR_12 : 'Empty object class id',
  • IMPORTED_OBJECT_ERROR_11 : 'Empty object links',
  • IMPORTED_OBJECT_ERROR_10 : 'Failed to perform class mapping',
  • IMPORTED_OBJECT_ERROR_9 : 'Failed to perform links mapping',
  • IMPORTED_OBJECT_ERROR_8 : 'Failed to perform mapping for id field in links',

Please note there still might be some situations that HDC will not report unmatched object. In this case we must examine such situation and add it to reports.


Report button

 This button will generate XML report of added Objects with their new HyperDocID and old ID.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ImportLog id="74d136c3-77d0-4b83-a043-9a33d0429164"> // Import Identyficator

	<Document objectId="10000093" externalId="">	// "objectID" orignal ID of object taken from it's source system, mapped in EID for import
													// "externalID"
		<HyperDocId>467737</HyperDocId>				// new HDC ID added after adding object to database
		<Status>ADD</Status>						// operation status


if errors are encountered - error codes will be present:

0.       No error
1.       Object not found. (object structure was not matched or does not provide a unique match)
2.       Document type does not exist
3.       Document ID does not exist.
4.       Failed to update object  (unknown error during execution update object database function)
5.       Failed to add object (unknown error during execution of add object database function)

 The report will also list unmatched objects at the end of report.

<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_20002489" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003455" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_20002488" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003456" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_20002487" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003453" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003454" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_20002486" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003457" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003451" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003452" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003450" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003448" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_10003449" errorCode="9"/>
<UnmatchedItem Guid="VS_20002485" errorCode="9"/>

Setting imported objects Security Scheme and drawings scale via metadata matching

Data Exchange manager can flag two chosen fields for each object class to set Security scheme for imported objects and scale value for drawings based on imported metadata.

To do the configuration go to TDXM and select External Information Domain\Objects Classes. 
Choose Security Scheme Field and Scale Metadata Fields flags for as many classes as you want.

Security Scheme Field - Imported value must match numeric ID of existing Security Scheme.
If so, then imported object will have this Security Scheme assigned. Value of this field can only have numeric value like "12" without any other text (it can be of float or text type tho).

If you also use import option "Inherit Parent Object's Security Scheme" than it will have priority over id from metadata.

Scale Metadata Fields - class field used for setting scale metadata value for imported drawing.

  • scale can be taken from both Text and Dictionary fields,
  • for dictionaries fields - dictionary item value is taken,
  • regardless of field type, field entry must start with "1:" - value after this will be taken and set as scale for new drawing,
  • if value of chosen field does not start with "1:" then Default Scale will be set.

Value taken from metadata to set drawing's scale is more important then the one from the TAF file.

Import option Default Scale 

New import option was added to import dialog: Default Scale.

Chosen default scale value will be used for all imported drawings if there is no value to take from scale-metadata field or TAF file. If left empty, system default 1 will be used instead.

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