HyperDoc Classic data import
Maciej Zabielski
Mohammed Amer (Unlicensed)
Guide showing steps needed to perform export data from HDoc Classic and import into new HyperDoc system.
Configure database
- Make sure that your database configuration is set.
- Manual database configuration: link
- Automatic database configuration by import/export configuration.
FI2 databases are preconfigured according to FI2 v011 database template used on Hyperhouse.
Replicate from HyperDoc
Replication profile to be used:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ReplicationProfile Incremental="0" Filter="0"> <ReplicationParams> <ObjectList> <CurrentObject /> </ObjectList> <Options SaveTvdAsSvg="1" ExportConfiguration="1" SubTrees="1" AllDocsForObj="1" SpotDocLinks="1" AllVersions="0" Spots="1" Redlining="1" ObjectSets="1" ObjectSetLinks="1" DocSetsMode="1" ContainedObjectSets="1" Presentations="1"/> </ReplicationParams> <Destination Type="file" SaveSignature=""> <file Directory="D:\Database\rep\"/> </Destination> <UserInput Directory="1" User="0" Pwd="0" ObjectList="1" /> </ReplicationProfile>
Please modify
<file Directory="D:\Database\rep\"/>
to match your needs.
Replication should be done to disk (file) and uploaded to Tessel FTP or compressed to .zip file and kept on local disc.
Setup Internal Information domain in TDXM
- Use Rewrite button to write down current configuration of database to TDXM.
Configure External Information Domain in TDXM
- Go to Data Exchange Manager and choose External Information Domains
- Click on New Domain and enter domain name
Import Object Class Schema from HyperDoc Classic
- On left menu of Data Exchange click on created External Domain - by default first tab selected for domain is Object Classes
- Clicking on Import/HyperDoc Classic will allow you to choose file for importing object classes
Browse for replication package, created earlier and choose Package2.xml and click Import.
Setup Object Mapping
As we now have both old and new configurations imported, we can try to map corresponding object fields and their class fields between both configurations.
Mapping Object Classes
- Change tab to Object Mapping
- Click Add on toolbar for Object Class Mapping panel
- In field Source Class (external) choose object class from HDoc Classic configuration.
- In field Target Class (HyperDoc) choose object from HDC configuration that you want to match chosen object class in Source Class field.
- Click Add button to perform mapping
Mapping Class Fields
- On Object Mapping tab of selected domain, click on chosen Object Class mapping entry.
- On Toolbar for Class Fields Mapping click on Add button.
- (Optional) select desired/different object class for class field mapping using Source Class (External) field.
- In field Source Field chose field from HDoc Classic configuration
- In field Target Field choose class field from HDC configuration to match chosen class field in Source Field
- Click Add button to perform mapping
- Proceed with mapping rest of desired objects and fields.
Please do not set as Target class field HyperDoc ID (hdid).
Setup Layer Mapping
Setup mapping for global and local layers as needed.- Check if system has properly defined global layers first.
- Open Tab Layer Mapping for chosen domain.
- Click Add button
- Source Layer field (layer name from HDoc classic) needs to be typed in manually.
- Target Global Layer dropdown allows you to choose layer from current system
Assign owner and permissions to unmapped local layers
Many packages from HDoc contains multiply private layers.
HDC can import them without mapping each of them but owner by default is set to importer making vectors on those layers unseenable for other users.
This can now be fixed by selecting permissions for all unmapaded layers (still you can map specific layers by name if desired of course).- Open TDXM panel. Go to chosen external domain settings and choose Layer Mapping tab.
- On Private layers part click on Add button.
- To choose all unmapped layers type %default% to Source Layer and Target Local Layer fields, chose owner for all layers and press Add button.
This is special command that will get all unmapped layers.
In future we will add some button so it will be more user-friendly.
- After adding entry, click on it and then on Grant permissions button and choose users and groups that will have access to all unmapped layers.
- After adding entry, click on it and then on Grant permissions button and choose users and groups that will have access to all unmapped layers.
Setup Object Identity Mapping (TOBIS)
Indicate which fields from source package are used as ID/GUIDs. Later this information will be used to match objects or find objects based on external GUIDs.
- Go to Object Identity (TOBIS) tab for chosen domain and click on desired Object Class (left pane).
- On right pane: Identity Fields click on Add button
- From dropdown ID Field choose field that will be used as external GUID and click Add.
Setup Draft in Archive Manager
Import is done to currently opened version of database. So if needed please create new one:
From main HyperDoc Panel go to Archive Manager:
- Click on desired published version from the list
- Click on New Draft butoon and name your draft (draft will have same data as selected published version)
- Select created draft
- Click Open to use this draft
Perform Import
Import will be performed to currently active system version. Switch to specific Draft to perform import into that Draft (future solution should allow to choose Draft from Dropdown during import).
Import directly to Master Archive should not be possible.
This button allows to upload to our server and register .zip package (with replication result) in one step.
Register Package
This step is not needed if you used Upload option.
- In Data Exchange Manger, click Import on left menu
- On Packages tab, click Browse button to select package to register
- Choose package from the list (from uploaded to packages to FTP) and click Register
Select registered package and click on Import button
- Choose External Information Domain that import will use for mapping.
- Choose Context Object - this will allow to interactive choosing of object in Tree hierarchy to which package will be imported to.
- Decide whether to or not to Import documents
- Add unmatched object - if checked it will enable import of incoming objects that were not matched with existing ones in TOBIS.
- Tile raster can be done while import is done or it can be done later on from File Status panel.
- Add unmapped layers - if checked it will enable import of layers that come with import but were not mapped in layer mapping.
- Click on Import button to start import process.
It is advised to use delayed tiling process so that the import can complete faster.
Images will not be shown as long as the processing of raster files is completed.
You can check the status of import under tab Running processes in Data Exchange Manager or in Administrative panel.
Check and Publish Changes
Review imported data. If everything is correct, Draft can be published to Master Archive. This will create a new version in the Master Archive.
Default documents (object of document type displayed by default in Grid when Tree object object is selected) are added automatically while import is done if they are present in source package and if HDC perspective match HDoc Classic.
To import data from HyperDoc Classic to HDC we use replication packages stored to disk.
Make sure that metadata of objects in replication package contain all required fields. To check if the field is required, see configuration in Administrative panel: