

This import main functionality is to update metadata of objects by reading list of objects from excel (.xls) file using mapping done in External Domain.

ObjectData import cannot add objects with drawings files but can add new objects from XLS spreadsheet.

New objects added by this import can be linked to chosen Context Object (single root object) from Import option dialog or multiply different Parent objects can be given in spreadsheet columns: Parent Object Hdid and Parent Object Class.

  • Parent Object Hdid is HDC internal system id (hdid field).
  • Parent Object Class is name of parent's object class that used in External Domain mapping.
  • Each of imported objects can be linked to different parent object.
  • Only single class of object can be imported (single tab in excel).

Preparing package for ObjectData import

Package for this import requires that zip contains only one .xls, .xlsx or .xlsm file.

Each excel file should have tab or tabs called as object classes that are going to be updated.
Each tab must contains objects only of class defined in tab name.

Those excel files can be prepared manually or they can be exported from HDC and then updated.

To create automatic sheet with objects, select array of objects on HDC Tree and then export connected objects from Grid panel using Export button. Exported objects can come from currently chosen tab (Export button) or objects from all tabs in current perspective (Export all button).

On screen above we can export just "Arkitekt" class objects or all objects from Grid panel connected to array of objects selected on Tree panel.
Such .xsl file can then be edited and updated with desired changes. File should be zipped, uploaded as ObjectData package and then it can be imported using created External Domain. 

When creating an excel Report with only single object class (like from Advanced search for example), new columns Parent Object Hdid and Parent Object Class will be added automatically. To have them filled up, Administrator must set system parameter Report Perspective Set in System Settings\General Settings. Then Parent hdid and Class Name for exported object will be filled in report cells based on chosen Perspective.

Parent hdid and class are taken based on chosen perspective in system settings. If the object is linked more than once in this perspective, first parent is taken only (PATH columns will still show all links for object).
Please also note that for exporting Documents with filled parent hdid and class, chosen perspective should be of "All" type (that is Tree classes in Perspective should have document classes as available classes).

Preparing External Domain in TDXM for import

Object Classes

When preparing External Domain which will be used for class and field mapping you can import Object Classes from XLS file you are going to import data from.

  • Go to External Domain\Object Classes
  • Click on Import button and select XLS
  • Choose file from disc

Class names will be taken from sheet's tabs and class fields will be taken from columns headers.

This step is not needed if you are going to have prepared sheets without 1st row having class fields names. 
In such case as class fields for all object classes you can use excel columns names - A, B, C, D etc.

If you plan to add new objects linked multiply parents, parents parent objects must already exists in database.
New columns in spreadsheet represents parent classes so those classes must be also added on Object Classes tab along with column's names as Class Fields:

All classes requires that one field is matched as Search FieldParent Object Hdid should be marked as Search Field.

Object Mapping

Class and fields mapping is done in same way as in other imports types. 
If A, B, C.. columns are used then they need to be normally matched with target fields. 

Parent classes should be also mapped but only Parent Object Hdid field should be mapped with internal hdid.

Performing import

ObjectData import specific options

  • Use 1st row as class fields - declares whether first row in excel file should be treated as class fields names or not.
  • Context Object - set root for import, all new objects will be linked to selected context object.
  • Add unmatched objects - if checked, objects from spreadsheet that are not matched via TOBIS field will be added as new, linked to selected context object.
    If not checked, not matched object will not be added. Only update operation will be done.
    If not checked but Context Object is chosen then updated objects will be additionally linked to context object.
  • Link to root only objects without parent  - If turned ON, object with filled parents columns in excel sheet will be linked only to those parents and objects without it will be linked to chosen Context Object (if any is chosen). 

    Import option Context object option still will work as before. So new objects can be linked to single chosen parent object without using Parent Object Hdid and Parent Object Class columns (excel file can be without those columns or they can be empty).
    If both ways are used in import (excel have Parent columns given and Context object is chosen), objects will be linked to both parents unless new import option will be used - Link to root only objects without parent.

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