IFC data import
Guide showing steps needed to perform import of IFC model into HDC.
IFC data for import
HDC uses TDXM module to import data from external sources. One of them is IFC model. TDXM can import key project components: project, buildings, floors (buildingstoreys) and spaces with their graphical data and assigned property sets.
IFC External Domain configuration
To import data from IFC dedicated external domain configuration is needed. Template database used to create each HDC customer database contains predefined configuration of external domain for IFC 2x3.
Object classes
Definition of IFC 2x3 external domain contains base object classes from IFC data model as shown on picture below:
This list may be extended with other IFC classes if needed.
To add new IFC class please refer to External Information Domains - Object Classes tab in HDC manual. Please be sure to add valid IFC classes and define valid class fields when adding new class definition.
During IFC import, artificial objects are additionally created on appropriate hierarchy levels (site, floor) to maintain 2D plans generated from footprints extracted from geometrical representation of objects. They are to be referred from IFC domain as HdcPlan class, having GlobalId field.
HdcPlan class should be mapped to chosen type of HDC object capable of having composite drawing, e.g. "navigation". GlobalId field should be mapped to document_id field, and pointed as identity field in TOBIS.
Object and Field Mapping
Predefined mapping between IFC classes and fields and HDC database classes and fields is present in HDC template database.
When additional classes were added on Object Classes tab then class and field mapping definition for them is neeeded. Detailed description of object and field mapping process is available in External Information Domains - Object Mapping tab in HDC manual.
Layer Mapping
Layers containing importany graphic data should be mapped into Global Layers to allow users to manage their attributes globally. Because evaery IFC model can contain different layer set there is no generic layer mapping in template database. Please review BIM model before exporting it to IFC and
Detailed description of layer mapping process is available in External Information Domain - Layer Mapping tab in HDC manual.
Object Identity (TOBIS)
External domain identity fields (TOBIS fields) for IFC domain are preconfigured in template database. According to IFC specification every IFC class uses GlobalId identity field.
Detailed description of TOBIS configuration is available in External Information Domains - Object Identity (TOBIS) tab in HDC manual.
Importing process
To import BIM model from IFC file please perform following steps.
Upload of IFC file
First step is IFC file upload. Select Upload button to open Upload dialog box. Enter Name of package, select IFC as type and provide path and name of IFC file.
Package for IFC import should be a zip file containing just IFC file.
When Upload dialog box is filled with necessary data select Upload button to upload IFC file to HDC server.
See Import section of HDC manual for details.
Prepare HDC database for new IFC project
Before performing import of IFC data two steps are necessary:
Create new draft. Description of drafts concepts is available in Archive Manager section of HDC manual. Open new draft when created.
Add Omrade object. It will be a root object for all objects in IFC model.
Perform import
Open Data Exchange and select Import button.
Select IFC 2x3 as External Information Domain.
Select Omrade object created in previous step as a root.
Unselect Tile rasters option.
Click on Import button.
See Import section of HDC manual for details.
Import raster file
A single raster file can be be imported along with IFC import. Important things that needs to be done so the raster file is imported:
upload a zipped package with folder containing .ifc file and single raster file + optional .taf file.
raster will be attached to the document linked to any floor objects (IfcBuildingStorey in .ifc file) imported from package.
Examine consistency of imported data
After import is complete please review contents of imported model in HDC. You may compare contents of IFC model in HDC with Solibri Model Viewer.
Sample model in HDC:
The same model in Solibri Model Viewer:
Configuration of External Domain for IFC 2x3 is available in each HDC database.
File containing IFC model must be in STEP IFC format. No IFC XML nor zipped IFC XML are allowed.