Import/Export Configuration

Import/Export Configuration

This functionality allows to export multiply configurations and settings to .json file and import this file to different databases.


Export/Import can be done from two places in Administrator panel:

  • Configuration window - where you can export/import core database settings (object classes and perspectives).

  • Export/Import Config window - where you can export many system settigns (for example Print templates, presentation filters etc).

Configuration window


Exporting configuration is done for currently selected configuration. 


Importing configuration cannot be done to currently active configuration. Preferably, new configuration draft should be created and then .json file should be imported to it.

 By default when importing we do "full update" od data.

That means new data is added do target configuration (existing in draft we import to).If same data is already there we update it with new values (change class labels, fields definition etc). 

There are however two option that can narrow level of update:

  • Skip matched - if checked, import will add only new class fields. It will not update existing (matched) class fields.

  • Skip duplicated -If checked, import will skip all data that is already in target configuration. It will not update anything.

Export/Import Config


Using checkboxes choose which part of configuration will be exported to .json file.
If Print templates are chosen, additional window will pop-up so that only selected templates can be exported.


When importing configuration from file, HDC will recognize what can be imported from given file automatically and will display such information.
If file have information about multiply configurations, you can choose only some of them to be imported.

By default import will add new configuration objects and update exisitng ones if they are the same (share name). 

  • Skip Matched - if checked, import will not update definition of objects that are both in target database and in source file.


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