Redline layers

Redline layers

Each user has it's own redline layer - created automatically by the system. Redline layer and tools can be used for drawing annotations.

Redline rules

  • You can use redline layers regardless of version currently used. It can be done on Archived version, sealed versions and on drafts.

  • View and Perform Redline permissions are required.

  • Your layer will take your Full Name as it's name by default.

  • Redline layers are global - so your layer exists on each drawing in system (content of the layer is specific to the drawing)

  • User can own only one redline layer but can be granted rights to other redline layers.

Using redline

Redline mode can be activated on any drawing by using Redline mode button:

When Redline mode is active, a toolbar with redline options is presented:

Common toolbar sections are described in View / Object Select Mode and in Edit Mode. Printing of Redline is possible using standard print functions described in Print section.

Drawing on redline

By default you can only draw shapes on your Redline layer (but other users may share their redline with you and allow you to draw on their layer.
Shapes can be drawn using Draw toolbar options:

For description of drawing tools, please refer to Edit Mode section.

When you click on any redline shape than Drawings & Layers toolbar will display name of the layer (it's owner Full Name).

Your redline will use system default style (yellow fill and black stroke). All shapes drawn on your layer will use those colors. 
You can change default color of your redline shapes by opening Layer Properties window by clicking Style button in Redline Options section:

Changing default style will change style of all shapes on your redline layer but those that were given individual style.

Sharing Redline

By expanding Layer Name dropdown you can see any other redline layers that you have been granted at least View or Edit right.

You can share your redline with other users with Share Redline  button that opens Grant permissions window:

You can add them View right if you only want them to see your redline but if you want them to also draw on your reldline layer than you must them Edit right:


Measurement of spots on all drawings/layers is possible.
Click on desired spot you want to measure (it can be spot on vector overlay as well).

Then chose to measure area with  Insert area button   or shape's length with Insert length button 

The inserted measurement is just another vector entity on your redline layer. You can move it, resize etc just like any other entity. 

Clear redline

  • Clear Redline  will remove all shapes that are on your redline layer from current drawing.

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