Guide: Creating Object Overlay on Drawings

Guide: Creating Object Overlay on Drawings




This guide will show how to draw various entities that create Object Overlay on top of raster drawings.

Let's start with a simple raster drawing that does not have nay overlay created automatically, like with BIM or CAD based data.

Adding Vector Drawing alongside Raster Drawing

To draw shapes, we need Vector drawing to be added. Select and right click your document and select menu option Drawing -> Add Vecotor


To enter drawing mode in Viewer, click on the Edit button on Mode toolbar.


This will make new functions to appear that allow user to draw shapes and to control their parameters:

Drawing shape

Now, select the layer that you want to place your entities on:

It can be either local or global layer. Note, that you might not have sufficient privileges to edit global layer content. Object overlay that is supposed to be used by all HDC users, should not be placed on private, unshared layers. 

For more information about Layers, please refer to Global LayersLayers

Once the Draw Toolbar becomes active, we are good to go. Draw a shape by selecting proper type, in most cases Polygon, and start drawing to create a representation of a Room object, when finished, select End Draw:

When the shape is already drawn, you can add more vertices by right clicking existing one and selecting Add Point (or Remove Point if you want to remove existing point).

You can use Cross Hair tool that will indicate position of mouse cursor. The image can be enlarged using mouse wheel while the draw function is active. 

Remember to Save your new drawing as long as the Auto Save option was not enabled. 

Coordinates and measurement

Below the displayed drawing there is a toolbar: 

It presents: 

  • - axis coordinate of current mouse position.

  • - axis coordinate of current mouse position.

  • Length - length of lines or circuit of shapes in units defined for Composite Drawing.

  • Area - area of selected entity in units units defined for Composite Drawing.

You can also add measurement as a vector entity on your redline layer. Click  to enter Redline mode and click on desired spot you want to measure (it can be spot on vector overlay as well). Chose to measure area with  Insert area button  , shape's length with Insert length button 


The inserted measurement is just another vector entity on your redline layer. You can move it, resize etc just like any other entity.



Right Click on your new spot, and select Show Links function. As you can see, there are no linked object. Let's create a new Room that coresponds to the on eon the drawing:

Once the object is created, copy link to it:

The link can be pasted into spot, to indicate that it actually represents our selected Room.


When the paste Link operation is complete, List of links will reflect that. We can see what objects are now linked to selected Spot.


Local and global layers on drawing

We divide layers into:

  • Global layers

    - system layers that are added to every drawing in HyperDoc. Managed only by Administrators.

  • Local layers

    - private layers that exist only on specific vector drawing. They can be created and edited by each user that have right to drawing.

Pleases note that, each layer and entities on them are only visible to users if that user have at least "view" right assigned to it for that layer.


By expanding properties of Vector drawing we will see list of all layers that are visible for User on this drawing.

You can click on each layer (on screen there are two global layers) and you will get detailed info about them but you will not be able to edit them (global layers can only be edited in Admin Panel).

On right side, on Layers you can create your own local layers and share them with other users. 
To create private layer, click on Add button.


Choose name for your private layer, line and fill color. Adding layer will update list in CDM (Composite Drawing Manager).


Your username will be listed as an Owner  of the layer. That means you have full control over your private layer.
You can also decide to share your layer (and entities you created) with other users or groups by clicking on Grant permissions button. 

View right is by default shown. As an owner, your are automatically added and cannot be removed from both permissions.
By clicking on  radio button you will see users/groups that can edit your layer and shapes drawn on it. 


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