(no) Objects Settings

(no) Objects Settings

Object Dependencies

  • Context Perspective - chosen perspective will be used in all subtree operations like search, assign Security Scheme or Delete with subtree. 

  • Report Perspective Set - when creating an excel Report with single object class (like from Advanced search for example), new columns Parent Object Hdid and Parent Object Class will be added automatically based on chosen Perspective.
    Please also note that for exporting Documents with filled parent hdid and class, chosen perspective should be of "All" type (that is Tree classes in Perspective should have document classes as available classes).

  • Auto Select Root is checked then Root object (for Tree default perspective set) will be selected and default document on Grid for this object will be selected.

  • Inherit Parent Objects's Security Scheme - 

Document Object Icons

Settings used by (no) Display objects as symbols



Default Value



Default Value

Content for object perspective set

This perspective set is used to find content (document) for given object (via other objects). Used for objects that do not have direct spot links, e.g. Room equipment, Rental Units, etc.

Example: When an object is selected in a grid view, e.g. "Equipment", this perspective will be used to determine if this object can be shown on the drawing.

Id Equipment is linked to Room, perspective should be:

  • Equipment ← Room (reversed link)

In that case, a Room has a spot (polygon on drawing) and it will be used to find and display a correct drawing.

(see sample configuration below)


Linked objects perspective

Perspective to determine what objects should be shown as icons under drawing spots.

This is different setting than viewer perspective. Viewer perspective is used to instruct viewer how to show specific objects using drawing elements (polygons). For example, Rental Units group Rooms and they use Room polygons to display.

Linked objects on the other hand determine what objects should be shown inside a given polygon (e.g. Room) as symbols.

If we would like to display Equipment that is linked under Room, please use perspective:

  • Room → Equipment

(see sample configuration below)


Icon Size Percentage

Size percentage of the original icon.

This parameter should be set based on user preference and "trial and error" approach.

Please note that Icons of identical size should be used for all object classes in order to achieve good results and uniform size.


Icon align to

How the object icon should be aligned to relative to center point


Set fixed image size

If checked, icon will maintain a fixed size during zoom


Allow change owner link

If allowed, object icon can be drag and dropped to another object to change parent link (owner). For example, you can drag equipment from one space (room) to another.

This operation will unlink Equipment from original room and link it to a new Room.


Allow change owner class

If allowed, owner of the object can have any class. If not allowed, object can only be moved between owners of the same class.

For example, if you drag equipment form Room, it can only be dropped on another Room if change of owner class is not allowed.