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(no) System (Settings)

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Session & Security

  • Session Timeout (min) - sets primary session time in minutes. When user is inactive for more time, his session will be terminated.

  • Hide New Users - sets user as hidden. Hidden status will make user not available in any "Share with" or "Assign to" dialogs.

System URLs

  • System base URL - url used to create external link to the system

  • System Help URL - url used to create help links

  • Release notes URL - url used to display release notes for a given version

Geo-IP Server 

Sets the localization of GeoIP service that is used to give back a geographic region based on user's IP address.

For customers in this address should not be changed. 

Flex Search

Sets up a perspective to be used in Flex Search (currently this search is inactive).

Report Templates

Report Template Extensions - defines possible extensions for report templates.

Available output formats -  allows to control what type of reports are available for users to generate from all places where report can be generated.

Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled Tasks Time - time of day on which scheduled that do not use specific date&time will be run on.
List of  (no) Scheduled Tasks can be found in Administrator Panel\System\Scheduled Tasks.