(no) Share Object or Document Link
Any object including documents can be shared by link. The link contains information about user interface configuration that is needed to display the desired object.
Sharing by link can be used only between users that have similar set of access rights. It does not allow to bypass security in any way.
User that is receiving the link needs at least view rights to the given object and and context objects that are needed to properly display the target object.
Automatic links creation
Links can be automatically created and copied using context menu function. Right click on an object that you would like to share, select Share → Copy Link function as shown on the image below:
A link will be placed in your system clipboard, similar to this one:
The link, when used, will open user interface and require login if needed. You might copy objects from tree or grid view. A different result will be obtained if a Room is copied from tree (it will also be shown in tree) or from grid.
In the second case, if the Room has a spot on some drawing, that drawing will also be loaded, and the specific Room will be indicated.
Links with Version
Additional option on the menu allows creation of links with version ID.
As a result user will be directed to this specific version instead a default system version.
This might be useful when sharing object from within a Draft or we require access to specific version in the past.
If version ID is not set (as in standard link) a system will try to locate the object in current system version and this operation might fail if the object only exists in a Draft.
Note: remember to share a Draft with a user first, otherwise they will not be able to access it.
Manual links creation
Links can also be created manually or by an external software. Links can also use external ID, known to that specific system. In that case a domain ID and external ID must be passed.
The ID will be automatically translated into internal system ID and the object will be shown as usual. Parameters that can be used are listed in the table below:
# | Parameter | Abbr | Required | Description |
1 | Navigate | * | Base parameter indicating whether navigation to target object should be performed (set to Navigate=1) | |
2 | ObjectId | ID | * | Object id, either internal or external |
3 | ClassId | CID | * | Object classId - either internal or external |
4 | ClassName | CN | * | External class name |
5 | Domain | DN | Doamin id, when given, objectId and classId is considered to be external. Translation is performed automatically. | |
6 | TreePsetId | TPID | Perspectiveset that should be used to show this object in Tree View. | |
7 | GridPsetId | GPID | Perspective set that should be used to show this object in Grid View. | |
8 | ViewId | VID | Preferred view ID, mainly used by links generated by HDC. Determines preferred target view (grid or tree) to be used to show object (e.g. Room can be seen both in tree and grid). Available values: tree, grid | |
9 |
| CTID | Additional context object that can be used while navigating. This object will be selected in a TreeView when main object is selected in GridView. In another words, this object will be used as a parent in TreeView, if there are multiple parents available This parameter is mostly used by system generated URLs | |
10 | ContextClass | CCLS | Class ID if the context object. | |
11 | Version | VER | Version ID | |
12 | Alternative | ALT | Alternative ID |