(no) Object Reports & Templates

(no) Object Reports & Templates

Since v3.7


Object reports can be used to export a selected set of objects. Object report can be generated several varieties.

  1. Generic spreadsheet report - can contain multiple sheets one per class

  2. Spreadsheet report based on template - designed for one class and available as MS Excel or Open Document format 

  3. PDF output based on spreadsheet template (Based either on MS Excel or Open Document)

  4. MS Word based on Word template only

Reports from Search

Search results can be exported as a Report in one of the available formats:

Reports from Grid View

Grid View tabs can be exported as selected report type:

Depending on report type:

  1. Current tab will have XLS and PDF available - both will be either generic or template based, if template was defined by an system administrator

  2. All tabs will allow only for a generic XLS report, as each class requires different sheet to accommodate it's metadata

  3. Checked records - this option is activated when there are any records checked in the grid view. It only applies to current tab.


A template can be used to create a more appealing results from object export. Any spreadsheet file can be used as a template. 

Formats that can be used for templates is:

  • Office Open XML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)

  • Open Document Format - Spreadsheet (*.ods)

  • Office Open XML Document (*.docx)

The file can be prepped using 3rd party software like

  • Microsoft Office

  • LibreOffice suite (free) that can be downloaded here: https://www.libreoffice.org/

  • Other software that can produce compatible *.xlsx / *.ods / *.docx files

Template Structure

You can design your template as needed, keeping in mind a few important rules:

  • The spreadsheet should fit well into a page if you are going to print it or use it as a base of PDF output

  • In Microsoft Office Excel, please use View - Page Layout to confirm that the content does not overflow

  • You can add any footer or header, logos and more

  • For MS Word templates, only one table can be used in the body. Additional tables can be used in header/footer sections.

  • For ODS stylesheets, there is one more row to be filled: 'sample data row' (more on this row in last section in paragraph Identyfing sample data row).This Sample Data row, which is next row after header row ('header index + 1' row) should contain data style formatting with sample text. If this row is not filled or conatins no text with fill and formatting, then formatting from header row style will be inherited. This may lead to confusion, so one has to remember to fill sample data row's cells with sample formatted text and fill. For XLSX stylesheet this row does not have to be filled. This option does not concern MS Word templates.

  • Next row in template after 'sampel data row' represents the Footer row. This row's cells can include stylesheet functions references (For ODS and XLSX stylesheets only). More on this row in last section in paragraph Identyfing sample footer row.

Adding data table:

  1. At some location in the spreadsheet a data table that will be filled in automatically must start, take note of starting index as it has to be provided when adding the template to the system

  2. Create a header row, you can use distinctive colors or other formatting as needed

  3. As column headers, enter field names that are available for this class, like shown below with "fi2space_name" and "fi2space_class"

  4. Set the column width as required

The report will be generated according to this layout, only selected columns will be used. 

Special columns

Currently there is one special column header that can be used, to include object location path.

To add path column, in the header add $path as header value. 

Sample template for MS Excel:

Sample template for MS Word:


Spreadsheet / Excel

For Excel report creation, there are no known limitations in terms of template compatibility.

There is a vast number of options and combinations that can be done in XLS spreadsheet, so that we cannot guarantee that every option will work smoothly.

If in doubt, start with a simple template and then build on that gradually until a desired effect is achieved. 


The PDF output has some compatibility issues with templates based on Office Open XML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx).

One of the known issues relate to images present in header sections, that will not be visible on PDF output if the template was in *.xlsx format.

If you wish to use this functionality, please create a template using LibreOffice or Open Office. 

MS Word

Only one table can be used in template body. 

Template Manager

Template manager is a tool available for System Administrator. Go to Administration panel and select Report Templates:

One template can be uploaded per class and output type. To upload a template, use New button and select appropriate options:

  • Class: an object class where this template will be used

  • Type: output type where this template should be used. 

  • Header Index: a row index indicating where the data table starts. This row should contain columns with class field names.
    Header index for MS Word template, is a row number in table that contains data header. Header will be created at this row. Data will be inserted at the next row. 

  • Report Template: a template file to be uploaded

Identifying header index:

Sample data row

Next row after header row should be trated as empty data row. 

For ODF formats this row should contain data style formatting with sample text. If no styling is provided, formatting from header row style will be used.

This may lead to confusion, so one has to remember to fill this row's cells with sample formatted text and fill options.

Footer row

Row following sample data row will be used as a footer row. It can contain either simple text or one of the available formulas.

Please note, that templates support only these simple, predefined formulas and not regular stylesheet formulas!

Template formulas must be provided in following format: 

HDC prefix  ($HDC_) + 'function name'

Allowed functions are: COUNT, SUM and AVERAGE, so their corresponding references will be the following texts:


  • $HDC_SUM


Formulas will not be resolved when the document is opened in a read-only mode. Editing must be enabled before the calculation happens.

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