Release notes for version 4.2.1

Release notes for version 4.2.1

RELEASE DATE: 28.02.2021New features, improvements and bug fixes done for version 4.2.1

Table of Contents

User related changes

Possibility to set specific presentation and dynamic label as default and active on drawing load

Issue [HDC-3797] - Filter default active
Issue [HDC-3797] - Dynamic labels default active

Two new user options has been added to User Profile.

Enable Default Presentation - when active, chosen presentation from Default Presentation dropdown-list will be applied to each loaded drawing in the viewer just as it would be chosen manually after drawing load.

Enable Default Labeling - when active, chosen dynamic label from Default Labeling dropdown-list will be applied to each loaded drawing in the viewer just as it would be chosen manually after drawing load.

If presentation or label is changed by user on a drawing, new choice will become default one for this user in his current session.

Improved handling of presentation spots visibility

Issue [HDC-3860] - Improved handling of presentation spots visibility

New user parameter Default Presentation Layer has been added that will improve visibility of used presentations. 

New parameter does not influence presentations with selected specific layer in their configuration.
Such presentation will always have active spots from presentation layer regardless of their visibility state.

In case of presentations without specified layer, new parameter will allow to specify preferred layer for spots selection when presentation is activated. 

It's a quite common situation that for example 3 spots on different layers are linked to same room. If presentation was activated, random spot was selected until now.
With Default Presentation Layer defined, spots from this layer are preferred.

Data filtering in Grid View

Issue [HDC-1359] - I can use Data filter function in Gridview so that a subset of data is presented 

Grid View offers new features for data filtering per column. Different filter options are available depending on column data type.

Filter can also be applied to current document view and predefined presentations. For more information, please review the full users manual: Grid View (2) (Data filtering section)

Print from print preview improvements

Issue [HDC-3733] - Print fails - too long url generated for some cases

This issue fixes a bug when sometimes after clicking on Print button from Print Preview nothing would happen and print failed.

Additionally some other small improvements have been done to printing from print preview:

  • "Printing" message is shown while waiting for server response:

  • Download progress is shown while downloading (most useful when having slow network connection):

New version of PDF viewer

Issue [HDC-3812] - New PDF viewer with Layers support

In-build PDF Viewer that allows for viewing various attachments (like docs, muli-page PDFs etc) has been upgraded. 
New interface has been introduced with new various options along with Layer support.

Possibility to set icon size as "fixed"

Issue [HDC-3587] - Option to set if an icon is zoomed "dynamically"

Icons can now be declared as having Fixed visible pixel size independently of actual viewing (zooming) scale.

  • Scaled Image Size - icon will adjust it's size to drawing units so it's stays the same in drawing units regardless of zoom (all icons were working this way before),
  • Fixed Image Size - icon will have always the same real pixel size regardless of zoom level.

On the screen below we have two icons. The one on the left from the square has Scaled image size. The one on the right has Fixed image size.
On given zoom level they seem to have same size:

But when we zoom out then the one with Fixed image size will seem to grow but in reality it's real pixel size will stay the same.
The Scale image size icon will become smaller in pixel size but will retain same size in drawing units. 

If we then zoom in, Fixed image size icon will seems smaller but it's pixel size will still stay the same.

This parameter can be set when adding an icon to a drawing, on a Select Icon dialog:

or can be changed on existing icons from right-click context menu. 

Data Exchange related changes

New import type - XML ObjectData

Issue [HDC-2247] - update of object properties from xml file


New import type XML ObjectData have been added to TDXM manager. 

Existing ObjectData import using excel sheet was renamed to Excel ObjectData.

New XML ObjectData import allows data integration from prepared .xml file on Object level.
It was created for updating object's metadata (or different classes if needed) purpose but can also be used for adding new objects if needed.

It's not possible to import attachemnts, drawings or geometries using this import type.

Package content - XML data structure

Package for this import requires that zip contains only one .xml file.

Structure of imported XML file should be a simple flat structure. All imported classes should be stored as flat collection directly under top level element.

Sample XML ObjectData file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Root tag can be anything, in this example it's ObjectDATA. We assume, that XML document contains one top element and this element contains all object elements of various classes.

Please note, that although this import supports adding objects of multiply classes, all imported objects will be linked to only one context object selected in import dialog.
If needed in the future, this can be improved to support multi parent linking.

External Domain Configuration

Configuration for External Domain is also quite simple.
For non-strict TOBIS databases check one Search Field for each imported class that will be used for detecting objects in database.

Object Mapping is also a standard one.

Layer mapping and Context Parent Configuration does not apply to this import type.

ObjectData imports options default values changed

Issue [HDC-3771] - Change Default values to "false" for ObjectData import options

Default values on import window for following options were changed to false.

  • Add unmatched objects
  • Unlink updated objects

This change was done only for XML and Excel ObjectData import.
Existing import Profile will not be modified so if change is needed, it must be done manually.

Create new object in FMA and sync to Asset

Issue [HDC-3710] - Create new object in FMA and sync to Asset

This change is related to Asset integration plugin only. 

Changes to integration with Asset:

  • FMA uses fmGuids instead of GUIDs for integration and sync purposes,
  • object external properties now display labels instead of names for asset objects,
  • manual and auto push of FMA objects to asset now creates new objects in asset if they don't exist in Asset.

Object internal/external properties:

  • properties can be filtered with text filter.

New import parameter:

requireObjectIdentifiers - (default value = false)

If set to true, requires that every successfully mapped imported object contains valid TOBIS identification identifier in its metadata.
If any of such objects does not fulfill this requirement, import will be rejected. Applies both to GUID fields and Search fields.

Improve XLS import to more generic solution

Issue [HDC-3701] - Improve XLS import to more generic solution

Administrative related changes

Security Audit improvements

Issue [HDC-3736] - Security Audit (Administrative Activity) improvements

Additional actions taken by users will be logged under Administrative Activity in Admin panel but also new activity reports were added in Archive Manager and in TDXM panel.

Administrative actions

Additional activities has been added to  Administrative Activity list in Admin panel.

Versioning Activity

All operation concerning versions and drafts are gathered here.

  • draft creation/update/removal
  • draft share/unshare
  • publish of new version
  • setting version as default
  • revert version

To access this log both Advanced Archive Manger and HyperDoc Administratior roles are required.

Data Exchange Activity

All operation concerning handling packages are gathered here. 

  • uploading packages (called "sources") per type,
  • preserving or unpreserving packages,
  • removing packages from the system.

System Setting to control DPI of pdf printouts

Issue [HDC-3813] - System Setting to control DPI of printouts

New system settings have been added to Administration panel to control dots per inch setting of SVG/PDF printouts.

Printout resolution - Selected value influence all pdf printouts like quick print, batch print and advanced print. 

HOPA Param

Each HOPA call can have different DPI setting regardless of chosen value in system settings. Default resolution is 300. 
New parameter DotsPerInch (DPI) can be used to control DPI of SVG or PDF output formats for HOPA calls.

This parameter will not influence printouts to images formats.

Additional type of fields available for Quick Search

Issue [HDC-3808] - Quick search for system ID

We have enabled adding of Integer and Serial type fields in QuickSearch configuration - along with already permitted Text, Dictionary and GUID.

Set drawing's scale after conversion from attachment based on document metadata

Issue [HDC-3480] - Use scale metadata for setting scale on created drawing during batch conversion of attachments to drawings

When converting attachment to drawing, scale set for new drawing can be set automatically using chosen value from document's metadata. 

To achieve such result configuration in Administration panel have to be done.New section and parameters were added to System Settings\General Settings.

Default Scale Metadata - default scale set for drawing after conversion if there is no metadata value to use.
Scale Metadata Class - class used for picking field for setting scale metadata.
Scale Metadata Class Field - class field used for setting scale metadata value for converted attachment.

  • scale can be taken from both Text and Dictionary fields,
  • for dictionaries fields - dictionary item value is taken,
  • regardless of field type, field entry must start with "1:" - value after this will be taken and set as scale for new drawing,
  • if value of chosen field does not start with "1:" then Default Scale will be set.

Log retention policy settings

Issue [HDC-3590] - Scheduled task for Log retention policy

Log retention policy allows system administrator to control how long the system logs are stored.

A separate policy can be set for the following log types:

  • Successful login reports
  • Failed logins attempts
  • Administrative Activity entries

Policy settings are located in System Settings\Security\General settings panel:

Each of report type have two retention parameters:

  • Minimum Retention (Days) 
    • sets the minimum number of days this type of log is retained ("protection period" for log)
    • can be set in range from 0-1000 days
    • setting value to 0 will disable this feature
  • Number of Entries Limit  (Thousands)
    • sets the maximum number of entries that will be stored
    • applies to entries that are outside of "protection period"
    • this limit does not apply if the log entry is within the protected period set in Minimum Retention time. 
    • can be set in range from 1-1000 thousands

Log entries which exceed number of Entries Limit are deleted if they are older than value set for Minimum Retention (unless it's set to 0 so all logs that exceed entry limit will be removed per scheduled run of cleaning task).

A system scheduled tasks (one for each log type) will be executed every night and clean up logs according to policy settings. 

Each of this cleaning task can also be run on demand using Run now button.

Example 1: If a log retention is set to 90 days, and entries limit is 1000, logs that have less than 90 days will be stored, logs that are older than 90 days and exceed count, will be removed. 

Example 2: If log retention is set to 90 days, and limit is set to 1000, but there are only 500 entries, no entries will be removed even if 90 days pass.  

New parameters for Print Template Viewport to control displayed document

Issue [HDC-3726] - Ability to select target class for spot link / document in Print Viewport

Two new parameters Document Class and Document Perspective were added to Viewport's Target Object settings in Template Editor

While printing primary document in main viewport, we can add additional viewports that will either contain the same document or navigate to a new target, like Building for example.
The navigation is performed according to chosen Perspective set and Target class in viewport settings:

When this object is found, in this case Building, we will lookup for document:

  • If Document for Spot option is checked and a spot link exists, it will be used to get document and new parameters will be used only if there are multiply spot links.
  • If DFS mode is not used (or there is no spot link), document to display is taken based on Document Perspective and Document Class (preferring default links if there are multiply documents for chosen class). Before introducing new parameters, document presented in viewport was chosen based on default HOPA settings in System Settings.

So the new parameters will allow to overwrite default setting for each of templates viewports. If they are left empty, default values from HOPA settings will be used as before.

HOPA usage

  • HopaGetView4Object parameter DefObjectClassId (DOC) - will overwrite new Document Class parameter from viewport settings therefore it will now support viewport suffix.
  • new param Perspective set from viewport settings will have a HOPA representation in docperspectivesetid (dpsetid) param.

Order of taking parameters

  1. HOPA params in url: DefObjectClassId and docperspectivesetid.
  2. Viewport's params Document Class and Document Perspective in template.
  3. Default HOPA settings from System Settings.

Bugs fixed and other improvements for this version

    • [HDC-3765] - Duplicates returned for perspectives definition
    • [HDC-3806] - Problem with hash == null
    • [HDC-3818] - Duplicate vector function does not work in 4.1
    • [HDC-3824] - Printout truncation because of icon (quick print)
    • [HDC-3828] - Dynamic label not printed
    • [HDC-3834] - Dynamic Labels data for float fields should follow decimals settings
    • [HDC-3838] - not able to upload files - non ISO character problem in filename
    • [HDC-3841] - QuickSearch: object of child class returned as parent class object
    • [HDC-3691] - Printing on OSM - s3 access problem
    • [HDC-3733] - Print fails - too long url generated for some cases
    • [HDC-3758] - Dictionaries numerical values imported from excel gets a digits in HDC
    • [HDC-3760] - System Settings Class fields display identifiers instead of class labels
    • [HDC-3766] - Legend view and print will fail if presentation has no label
    • [HDC-3773] - Time stamp on filter label when using date type field for presentation
    • [HDC-3776] - Boolean type field have a text field form in Edit window
    • [HDC-3594] - Decreasing size of web window when gridlist is large makes drawing window disappear.
    • [HDC-3751] - Xlsx metadata reports formatting improvements
    • [HDC-3768] - Add a proper error message when inactive user tries to log into HDC
    • [HDC-3782] - Print Preview macro resolver problem
    • [HDC-3668] - Handling of "move" point when using snap function to move geometry
    • [HDC-3832] - Rights for viewing dynamic labels for Anonymous user
    • [HDC-3840] - Option to export objects from GridView to Excel with or without template

API Changes

(check /apidocs for more details about new/changed webservices)

  • Issue [HDC-3733] -Print fails - too long url generated for some cases

    Webservice for printing print preview will now use POST method instead of GET, this will fix the problem when URL was too long and print failed (when there were many viewports, hidden layers etc).

    Old Webservice: 

    GET /api/drawing/printmulti/{templateId}/<additional_parameters>

    New Webservice:

    POST /api/drawing/printmulti/{templateId}

    In URL only some parameters are being passed (templateId, contextObjects, crId, crId, orientation, outFormat, papersize, psetId)
    Rest of printing params (like extents, viewports, hidden layers, toolsets are passed in POST body)

Issue [HDC-3710] - Create new object in FMA and sync to Asset

Changed Webservice:

POST /api/tdxm/import/{importType}/{packageId}

New parameter added to import params: Boolean requireObjectIdentifiers (nullable) - if unspecified import process takes false as default.

If true, requires that every successfully mapped imported object contains valid tobis identification identifier in its metadata.
If any of such objects does not fulfill this requirement, import will be rejected. Applies both to guid fields and search fields.

Issue [HDC-3773] - Time stamp on filter label when using date type field for presentation

Changed Webservice:

GET /api/presentation/json/{drawing_id}/{presentation_id}

Filter definition was changed in response of this webservice

floatLabel parameter changed to labelType (that can be of datetime, float etc) defines how to proceed with label according to user locale.

id: "4611"

label: "2020-11-19T23:00Z"

labelType: "datetime"

showEmptyValues: false

summaryValue: 19440

Issue [HDC-1359] - I can use Data filter function in Gridview so that a subset of data is presented

Web services modified from GET method to POST to pass HQL filter definition in payload:

  • /api/presentation/json/{drawing_id}/{presentation_id}
  • /api/presentation/filters/json/{drawingId}
Web services modified to accept new HQL filter definition
  • POST /api/perspective/metadata/json/{perspectiveId}
  • POST /api/perspective/metadata/json/{perspectiveId}
  • GET api/drawing/print/{drawingId}
  • GET api/drawing/preview/structure-svg/json/{drawingId}
Sample payload for filter definition
"hqlCriteria":"(fi2space_areabra < \"50\")"

WS added:

  • POST  /api/presentation/hqlcriteria/json 

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