

Managing groups

In order to manage system groups, please open System Administration → Users/Groups → Groups


In that view, you can see two types of groups: System Group or User Group, group name, and member count.

Here, you can add/edit or delete groups. Please note that system groups cannot be edited, and their members also cannot be changed.

View Existing Group for User

This function allows you to view and manage groups for a selected user.

It should be used when you want to:

  • Verify which groups the user is a member of

  • Assign or remove one or more groups from a user

It works in addition to standard group management, where selected users can be added or removed from a specific group. In the standard function available under Groups section, you can:

  • View all members of a selected group

  • Add one or more users to a group


To view groups assigned to a user, please follow these steps:

  1. Open Admin → User/Groups → Users view.

  2. Select a user and use the Manage Groups function.

Assign and Unassign Groups

The middle pane contains arrow buttons that enable you to assign or unassign one or more selected groups.

On the left panel, "Assigned user groups" displays the groups that this user is a member of.

The right panel lists the available groups for assignment.

To remove a user from selected groups, select one or more groups and use the "Remove" button. You can also utilize the double arrow "Remove All" button.

A user cannot be removed from a System Users group. 


To assign a user to a group, follow these steps:

  1. Select one or more groups.

  2. Use the "Add Group" button.

Alternatively, you can assign the user to all groups by using the "Add all groups" button.

Built-in System Group: "System Users"

A new system group called System Users has been added to all databases in HDC.cloud. This group is of type system internal and will consistently include all users in the system as its members.


  • It will always provide a list of all active users when queried for members.

  • The group cannot be deleted, but its name can be changed.


Example of usage:

System group can be assigned HyperDoc User role and new users will automatically have this role assigned through that group.

Remove user from it's groups when user is inactivated

When disabling user/s, Administrator can additionally choose to remove user (or users) from all they groups. 

If Yes is selected, the user will be unassigned from all groups. As indicated on the screen above, the user cannot be removed from the System Users group.

Re-enabling the user will not reassign group membership. The user has to be added to groups manually again.


Change Internal group name

Changing group name in Groups panel from FM Access is now possible. 

Panel listing groups now also includes information about Group Category.

  • System Group - built-in system group (name can be changed, but the function of the group will be dictated by its Type).

  • User Group - user-defined group.

Group Types:

  • System users - always includes all system users.

  • Standard - members are controlled by a system administrator.


Changed name will also be reflected in the security administration panel:

Warning: make sure your group mappings reflect the new group names. (Identity Providers - Mappings) 

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