Security Schemes

Security Schemes


Security Schemes restricts access to Objects and it's Content. Each Security Scheme can be set as a Default Security Scheme or Type Security Scheme.

Security Schemes

Currently we can  distinguish two basic types of Named Security Schemes (visible on screen above):

  1. Type Security Scheme – is applied to all objects in the system that match type definition. It can be any class from object type like Building, Floor, Equipment or document type like Architectural, Electrical, HVAC. Subclasses should inherit TSS from parent class.

  2. Default Security Scheme – there is a system default security scheme that is applied to all objects in the system that do not match with any specific scheme.

On the screen above we can see list of Named Security Schemes. We can see that general scheme is a default one but we also see details for restricted scheme. 
This scheme makes Objects and VS not visible for anyone but admin (lower Pane "Permissions"). 

Security Schemes are not inherited by Objects as for today - applying Security Scheme to a Building does not apply this scheme automatically to all connected objects and Documents.

User rights in Security Scheme

Table consisting of all user rights available currently in a single security scheme.

User Right


User Right


General Object Rights


Base permission, must be set for other permissions to take any effect.

Edit (create)

Enables editing and creation of new objects. This right requires View right also.

Creation of object of given type requires Edit right to:

  • object created

  • parent of created object in currently used perspective.


Enables deleting objects - requires View and Edit rights.

Perform redline

This permission will decide if user can perform redline operation or not for objects to which Security Scheme is assigned. 

Viewing shared redline layer is possible without this permission.
Perform redline permission applies only to editing operations (Add redline drawing, layer, draw redline, delete redline).

World Database Versioning and security

In general, security settings are not affected by versioning. That means that security properties of an object are consistent throughout versions. 

Changes made to security schemes will apply to all versions as well. Assignment between object and a security scheme is version independent.

Batch editing of security schemes

Security scheme can now be assigned to multiple objects at once. In Object Security view select all desired objects and use available functions to assign or reset scheme for selection. 

Live preview of assigned scheme in the tree view is also available in the admin mode. 

Display and manage Security Scheme in main interface

Security Scheme preview can be enabled by toggle button located on the top toolbar. 

When activated, a security scheme column will be added in several places: main Tree View, Grid View, Object Set and Advanced Search results window.
Schemes can be color coded for easier identification. 

Manage Security Schemes from main interface

Security Administrators can now manage security schemes for objects directly from main interface.

This function might be used with Security Scheme preview, but it's not required.
Select one or more objects from Tree View or Grid View (Use check boxes in GridView for multiple selection). Right click on one of the objects within selection to edit selection, or object outside of selection to edit single object.

Use Object Security menu option to open up a new security panel:

For single selection, current scheme will be shown in the info bar. 

Please select a new scheme and use one of the available functions:

  • Assign - assign scheme to selected object only. 

  • Assign with sub-tree - assign scheme to selected object and all linked objects according to system context perspective.

Without selecting a new scheme, one can also use reset functions:

  • Reset - reset scheme for selected object. Object will acquire default scheme or scheme assigned by class if available.

  • Reset with sub-tree - same as reset function but with all linked objects in context perspective.

Sub-tree function will use system defined context perspective to find all related objects. Objects added later or re-linked will not inherit the scheme automatically. 

Assign colors to Security Schemes

Administrative Panel → Security → Security Schemes

Color can be assigned when adding new Security Scheme, or it can be changed for existing Security Scheme with a help of Edit function.

User can select color using Color picker tool. 

Colors that are currently set can be previewed on the Security Schemes list:

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