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(no) Object location (path)

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Information about object location, also refereed to as Path is often required to properly identify objects.

First improvements in this area were made in version 3.6 and now users can take advantage of this functionality in other places that include:

  • Quick search object list

  • Grid View object list

  • Advanced Search results

  • Object reports from the above (available in 3.6)

Due to very dynamic nature of relation between objects, the path is calculated on the fly and takes into account:

  • system version - only links existing in selected version are taken into account

  • object security - only visible objects will be analyzed, as a result path information might vary depending on the user

  • aside from proper objects, system will also fetch metadata needed to display human readable labels

Object location in Grid View:

Object location in Quick Search

Object location for advanced Search (including new Show Links function)