Release notes for version 3.0.0
New features, improvements and bug fixes done for version 3.0.0
Table of Contents
Licensing system & Legal information
License or subscription information will now be visible in application status bar or in About\License section under User Profile.
Our policy has been updated as well. Link are available from About window.
Improvements to context object resolving for HOPA calls and macros
Done under JIRA issue HDC-2704 - Proper handling of context objects in HOPA and Print calls (Viewports, Macros)
Vector drawings added automatically when drawing is created
Done under JIRA issue [HDC-2639] - Vector drawings should be available automatically for all documents
Vector drawing (overlay) will now be automatically added when new drawing is created.
This change will not affect existing drawing without overlay.
Delete objects linked to spot
Done under JIRA issue HDC-2526 - Option to delete linked objects when deleting Edit vectors
When deleting a spot, all linked objects to it can be reviewed and deleted.
In Edit mode, select new mode "Auto delete spot related objects"
Delete related objects dialog will appear:
Using button
you can remove object from list of objects to be deleted (spot is already deleted).Only after clicking on Delete button, objects left on the list will be deleted.
Links management (Drag & Drop)
Done under JIRA issues:
A number of improvements for handling links management were introduced. Now objects can be linked more easily in a number of situations.
Hints about Tree View operations:
- Simple drag and drop to other objects in the Tree View will always add a new link. You can drop object on to Tree elements as well as Spots on the main document Viewer.
- By holding down a Ctrl key, you will unlink the objects from currently selected parent (not from other parents)
- The number at the end of the indicator shows a number of dragged objects.
- If you select multiple objects, but drag one that is outside of the selection, only that one will be affected. To drag all objects from selection, start dragging one of the selected objects.
- Target indicator will turn red if drop is not possible:
- you do not have sufficient privileges
- you are trying to move multiple objects that have different parent objects. Only child objects of one parent can be moved this way.
- you are trying to create a "self link" - you cannot drop objects to one of the selected objects
HInts about Grid View operations
- You can Drag and drop objects from Grid to Tree elements, also with the move option triggered by Ctrl key
- Drag and drop objects to Viewer to create spot links (for example, to create document - spot links, or link Rooms)
- To drag multiple objects from the grid, use check-boxes.
- The cut/move operations will affect all selected parent objects in the tree. For example, If you select 5 Floors and move selected documents to 6th one, system will try to unlink documents from all 5 floors.
- If you have selected a number of objects in the Tree View and use the paste button on the grid, the pasted objects will be linked to all objects selected in the Tree View.
Use-case: Add additional link or move document between two floors
Select a Floor object with a linked document. Drag a single document or select multiple documents using check-boxes.
Holding down a mouse button, drag objects over another Floor object and drop (release mouse button) to create additional link.
To move document to new Floor, hold down Ctrl key before starting drag operation. The documents will be unlinked only from selected object in tree view, and new links will be added to the drop target.
Excel document import to support multiple document link locations (parents)
Done under JIRA issue [HDC-2626] - Excel document import to support multiple document link locations (parents)
Excel document import can now add document (represented as a row in spreadsheet) to multiple objects in Tree hierarchy (of same level).
Control over layers selectability in vector drawing
Done under JIRA issue [HDC-2498] - I can control and save layers order / selectability in vector drawing
Layers have been given two new states now: Active and Disabled.
When layers is set as Disabled, interaction with elements on this layer is turned off. Elements on this layer are still visible, but you cannot add new spot to this layer and existing ones are not editable (they cannot be selected).
This prevents elements on this layer from getting in the way of selecting other elements that might be located behind.
Controlling layer visibility/activity state is done from Layers dropdown in Viewer:
Column A represents current "Active" state of layer.
- indicates layer is in Active state.
- indicates layer is in Disabled state.
By clicking on given state marker, you will change is state to opposite one. Below layer list there is a toggle button for changing state of all layers.
This is a temporary change - when the document is reloaded, a defaults will be applied.
Local (private) layers and redline layers default state can be controlled from Composite Drawing Manger:
This default state will be saved and applied every time a document is loaded.
For Global layers, default state can be defined in Administrator panel:
Default state will be set each time drawing is reloaded. Also exiting print preview sets default state for layers.
TAF file generation and download
Done under JIRA issue [HDC-2375] - TAF generation when downloading single Raster from CDM
From Composite Drawing Manager (CDM) there is now possibility to generate and download .TAF file with current raster parameters (attributes like scale, resolution, insertion point).
To access the download panel, in CDM click on raster drawing on left panel and then on right panel select Content Info tab. Under Download button you can decide what to download:
Option Raster with TAF will create and download .zip file containing both raster file and parameters file.
Reading DPI parameter from GIF files
Done under JIRA issue [HDC-2652] - Wrong raster attributes read from GIF
Handling of .gif files is changed in regards of reading DPI raster parameter. Currently the system will not use DPI value read from GIF file. It is recommended to use a TAF (attribute file) for GIF filed.
Current logic for reading DPI value in GIF files:
- take parameter value from TAF file if possible,
- if no DPI in TAF then set default value of 300 dpi
Other parameters that can be read (orientation, length, height) are taken from image file with priority.
Default scale value changed
Default scale value for imported raster image is changed.
For raster images that do not have TAF file, default scale value is now set to 1:1.
Bugs fixed and other improvements for this version
- [HDC-1926] - Duplicate layer assignments in TDXM
- [HDC-2004] - Mismatch in units after importing HDRep replication package to HDC
- [HDC-2029] - Security problem when getting links for objects
- [HDC-2283] - TDXM is trying to add existing links
- [HDC-2621] - Inconsitent field mapping possibile in TDXM
- [HDC-2674] - Invalid query for children send to database
- [HDC-2682] - Random Print fail - Batch print fail
- [HDC-2705] - Redline not shown on print
- [HDC-2714] - resolving apartment links in HOPA call
- [HDC-2716] - Ad-hoc filter with custom summary column does not show on print Legend
- [HDC-2719] - ERROR query string argument of EXECUTE is null during import
- [HDC-2730] - when printing polyline to pdf, polyline gets a solid area
- [HDC-2738] - Strange behavior when setting tab sequence
- [HDC-2739] - Spot link jump fails /api/object/links/ WS
- [HDC-2740] - Default Redline settings for line with are not respected
- [HDC-2454] - Problem with vectors inside vectors imported by TDXM (area markers)
- [HDC-2712] - Improvement for user profile window
- [HDC-2731] - Improvement for dictionary fields - filter values
API Changes
(check /apidocs for more details about new/changed webservices)
Done under JIRA Issue [HDC-XXXX] - JIRA Issue name
Old Webservice:
New Webservice:
Done under JIRA issue [HDC-2375] - TAF generation when downloading single Raster from CDM
New Webservice:
GET/PATH /api/raster/{rasterFileId}?downloadMode={downloadMode}
downloadMode of Raster:
0 - ONLY_RASTER (default 0),