Release notes for version 2.1.0

Release notes for version 2.1.0

New features, improvements and bug fixes done for version 2.1.0


Table of Contents


Import/Export system configuration

Done under JIRA issue [HDC-1202] - Import/Export system configuration improvements


New system for import and export of HDC configuration have been introduced.
Additional parts of HDC config can be added if needed as well. 

We divided export/import of HDC configuration into to two parts: 

  • Database configuration (Object classes and Perspectives). Export/Import buttons are located in Configuration section of Administration panel.

  • Administration configurations (dictionaries, filters etc) - they can be done from Export/Import Config section of Administration panel.


HDC Database configuration

As activation of new configuration influence structure of database, import of configuration have to be done to existing (not active) configuration draft. After that such draft can be activated. 
Before import or export is done, please select configuration draft from which export will be done or to which import will be done.



By default when importing we do "full update" od data.

That means new data is added do target configuration (existing in draft we import to).If same data is already there we update it with new values (change class labels, fields definition etc). 

There are however two option that can narrow level of update:

  • Skip matched - if checked, import will add only new class fields. It will not update existing (matched) class fields.

  • Skip duplicated -If checked, import will skip all data that is already in target configuration. It will not update anything.


Administration configurations 

Currently we can export Dictionaries, Presentation Filters, Global Layers, Print Formats and Toolsets. 

Using checkboxes choose which part of configuration will be exported to file.


When importing configuration from file, HDC will recognize what can be imported from given file automatically and will display such information.
If file have information about multiply configurations, you can choose only some of them to be imported.

By default import will add new configuration objects and update exisitng ones if they are the same (share name). 

  • Skip Matched - if checked, import will not update definition of objects that are both in target database and in source file.


HOPAGetView4Object can show document drawing based on it's classID and ObjectID

Done under JIRA issue [HDC-2105] - HOPAGetView4Object can show image based on classID and ObjectID of document

HOPA can now simply show drawings when HOPA call points to Document with drawing linked to this Document.

This requires pointing to object class Document drawing




URL link to open HDC on specified object

Done under JIRA issue [HDC-1773] - URL link to open HDC on specified object


User can now open HDC on specified object using special url links. 

Those links can be created manually or generated automatically from application level.

Please note that user always logs into Default System Version so if object in link exists only in draft it will not be opened - application will start normally on default version.

HDC opening on specified Object via links

To generate url link for someone to desired object user must click on this object with right mouse button and choose Share\Copy Link.

Link will be copied to your clipboard and can be pasted to any text editor.




Manual creation of link

It is based on parameters added to site url. Main parameter is Navigate=1 that is required to activate this functionality.

To locate desired object we use same parameters as for HOPA.
Links also hold and set Perspectives for Tree and Grid. 















Base parameter indicating whether navigation to target object should be performed (set to Navigate=1)





Object id, either internal or external





Object classId - either internal or external





External class name





Doamin id, when given, objectId and classId is considered to be external. Translation is performed automatically.





Perspective set that should be used to show this object in Tree View.





Perspective set that should be used to show this object in Grid View.





Preferred view ID, mainly used by links generated by HDC.

Determines preferred target view (grid or tree) to be used to show object (e.g. Room can be seen both in tree and grid).

Available values: tree, grid

Parameters names are case sensitive!


Sample links:



Room EID


Select multiple spots using window selection 

Done under JIRA issue [HDC-2008] - Select / mark several spots using window selection 


Multi-selection operation has been enhanced with rectangle selection.

In normal operation, clicking on spot selects it. Clicking on another spot deselects first one and selects the second. Clicking on empty place (with no spots beneath it) deselects current selection, if any.

To enter multi-selection mode, press and hold Ctrl key.
In multi-selection mode, clicking on spot toggles its selection; selected spot becomes deselected, while those not selected becomes selected. In this way, you can select multiple spots clicking on them in succession and correct your selection by clicking again onto undesired spots. Clicking on empty place clears selection as usual.

Additionally, you can select multiple spots at once using rectangle selection.
With Ctrl key pressed, press mouse button and drag mouse pointer to draw selection rectangle. Dragging from left to right selects spots enclosed by selection rectangle, which is drawn as light blue with solid border. Dragging from right to left select spots intersected by selection rectangle, which is drawn as light green with dashed border. This is similar to well known selection gestures being used in AutoCAD. To use desired method, start dragging from left side or from right side of spots group, depending on which method would be more convenient regarding specific spot shapes and their placement.

During dragging, spots covered by selection rectangle (enclosed or intersected) becomes highlighted so as to expose which of them would be selected.
When you are satisfied with your selection, release mouse button. Selection rectangle disappears and highlighted spots become selected.
To correct your selection, you may click onto desired or unneeded spots as necessary, still holding Ctrl key pressed.
Starting new selection by rectangle will clear current selection and define new one. Currently there is no possibility to combine several multi selections with some logical operations.
To finish multi-selection mode and go back to normal zoom-pan-drag operations, just release Ctrl key.,


Login page not accepting capital letters in username field

Login page will not not accept capital letters in username field. 
When user tries to type username containing capital letters dialog with proper information will pop up.


This pop up message is not translated as for current version. If needed we will translate it for future versions.


New HDCAgent version

HDCAgent can now upload, register and import packages of all types.  

More details are availble here (description available for our partners only).
New version requires HDC server in version 2.1.0 for proper functioning. 


Bugs fixed and minor improvements for this version

  • [HDC-1826] - Error when using Internet Explorer to create excel list of documents

  • [HDC-2095] - Why do published documents always have unit mm?

  • [HDC-2116] - Printouts and HOPA is blank when there is no raster drawing

  • [HDC-2145] - Scroll problem in personal settings dialog

  • [HDC-2146] - URI too long

  • [HDC-2152] - Wrong scale on quick print

  • [HDC-2161] - Support for cg4 file format

  • [HDC-1678] - Error Response to Delete/Edit Objects are not accurate - when object does not exists

  • [HDC-2155] - Failed Excel import - field not found in TOBIS

API Changes

(check /apidocs for more details about new/changed webservices)

  • Done under JIRA Issue [HDC-1826] - Error when using Internet Explorer to create excel list of documents

    Old Webservice: 

    GET /perspective/metadata/xls/{perspectiveId}

    New Webservice:

    POST /perspective/metadata/xls/{perspectiveId}


    POST method is used that will allow to export unlimited number of objects to excel file.



  • Done under JIRA issue [HDC-1202] - Import/Export system configuration improvements

    Old Webservice: 

    New Webservice: