FI2 data import

FI2 data import


Supported Fi2 formats

HDC supports import of Fi2 version

  • 1.22

  • 1.3

Package for Fi2 Import

Package must follow there rules to be successfully imported:

  • Only ZIP packages are supported

  • ZIP package must contain top level folder and XML file with Fi2 compatible data

  • Optional content include raster file (any of the supported formats) and TAF attribute file

  • ZIP package cannot contain files on the root level. Please create a ZIP of a folder. 

    Sample folder view:

Domain configuration (External Information Domain - EID)

Object classes configuration 

There are several specific configuration details that must be followed in order to obtain a successful fields and properties mapping.

In most typical scenatio, fi2property, fi2floor and fi2structure are imported only with label field and GUID that will be used for object matching. 


fi2space objects have more specific fields like ones related to areas. Areas for Space (room) objects in HDC are stored as regular fields, while in Fi2 standard they are organized in specific structure.

Looking at Fi2 structure:

<fi2space_area> <fi2area_code>BRA</fi2area_code> <fi2area_value unit="KVM">22.48</fi2area_value> <fi2area_shape> <fi2polygon> <fi2vertex unit="" x="26510.1445" y="38054.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="26510.1445" y="38804.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="26510.1445" y="38804.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="26260.1445" y="41304.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="26260.1445" y="41304.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="19260.1445" y="41304.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="19260.1445" y="41304.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="19260.1445" y="38304.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="19260.1445" y="38304.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="25410.1445" y="38054.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="25410.1445" y="38054.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> <fi2vertex unit="" x="26510.1445" y="38054.25" z="3000" bulge="0" /> </fi2polygon> </fi2area_shape> </fi2space_area>


If we want to map fi2area_code with BRA value, we must use fi2area_BRA property key. 

Sample mapping for space object will look as follows:

Another specific field that can be used during object mapping, is an ID property as present in Fi2 XML:

<fi2space id="ID000006"> <fi2space_ids> <fi2_id usage="Rumsnummer" owner="Symetri" origin="">200</fi2_id> <fi2_id usage="GUID" owner="Symetri" origin="">76bdf16a-589c-41d4-974b-f1eb3c99010a</fi2_id> </fi2space_ids> <fi2space_sysids> <fi2_sysid usage="Systemid" owner="Symetri" origin="">200</fi2_sysid> </fi2space_sysids>

As visible in the XML snippet above, fi2space object contains ID property. Looking at the property suggests that this will not be globally unique identifier. 

It is unique only within that specific XML file. If this field would be used as TOBIS (Object Identity (TOBIS) tab) identification field, all imports would overwrite the same objects. 

Should that field contain a real GUID, it can be accessed by defining the following mapping: fi2spaceid. 

The same mapping is available for all Fi2 object classes, for example: fi2structureid, fi2floorid etc.

Documents Mapping configuration

 For all documents that are identified by HDC, both with explicit link and created automatically, HDC will use built in property "Document".

Use that property for mapping into any desired class in HDC. Also metadata fields can be mapped by their corresponding names.

Sample document as seen in Fi2 XML:

<fi2appareaitem id="ID000001" usage="DOKUMENT" owner="CAD-Q"> <fi2apparea_data> <fib:FI2DOKUMENT xmlns:fib="http://www.fi2002.se/fi2base" xmlns="http://www.fi2992.se/bygginfo_001" xmlns:fif="http://www.fi2002.se/fi2fields" xmlns:ifc="http://www.iai-international.org/ifcXML/ifc2x_platform" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <fib:FI2DokumentID>ID000001</fib:FI2DokumentID> <fib:FI2DokumentBeteckning>bet</fib:FI2DokumentBeteckning> <fib:FI2DokumentAndringsbeteckning>rings</fib:FI2DokumentAndringsbeteckning> <fib:FI2DokumentTitel>Title</fib:FI2DokumentTitel> </fib:FI2DOKUMENT> <fib:FI2DOKUMENTVERSION xmlns:fib="http://www.fi2002.se/fi2base" xmlns="http://www.fi2992.se/bygginfo_001" xmlns:fif="http://www.fi2002.se/fi2fields" xmlns:ifc="http://www.iai-international.org/ifcXML/ifc2x_platform" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <fib:FI2DokumentversionID /> <fib:FI2DokumentversionForfattare>x</fib:FI2DokumentversionForfattare> <fib:FI2DokumentversionUpprattaddatum>2012-12-19</fib:FI2DokumentversionUpprattaddatum> <fib:FI2DokumentversionKallfil>15325A-FloorPlan-Utskriftplan2.CAL</fib:FI2DokumentversionKallfil> <fib:FI2DokumentversionSokvag>C:\_Kunder\Sundsvall kommun\12.0205 SUN - FIH 2012 - B6 - Revituppritning\Objektifierings\15325 AMU Center</fib:FI2DokumentversionSokvag> <fib:FI2DokumentversionArkiveringsdatum>2012-12-19</fib:FI2DokumentversionArkiveringsdatum> <fib:FI2DokumentversionUtgivare>x</fib:FI2DokumentversionUtgivare> <fib:FI2DokumentversionSammanfattning>Title</fib:FI2DokumentversionSammanfattning> <fib:FI2DokumentversionUtgivarorganisation>Title</fib:FI2DokumentversionUtgivarorganisation> </fib:FI2DOKUMENTVERSION> </fi2apparea_data> </fi2appareaitem>


Sample mapping in HDC to selected properties:


Object Mapping configuration

Details of object mapping depend on current HDC configuration and Fi2 specific fields. There is some freedom in defining Fi2 field names, so either all Fi2 files must be unified, or must use their own specific EID domain configuration that will eliminate the differences.

The most interesting example for Space object is shown below. Its highly recommended that all objects use unique GUID field, and that this field is mapped and available for HDC.

A meaningful field should be mapped to field that is designated as label field in HDC.



Layer Mapping configuration

Layer mapping is optional, but can save a lot of manual work and provide easy administration if Global Layers are defined.


Object Identity configuration

Having a proper object identity configuration is one of the most important elements of successful data exchange. 

If your object identification is not handled properly, it can easily lead to wrong object being updated or duplicates created. 

For object like fi2space we highly recommend to use a GUID that is assigned to that specific object upon its creation in a CAD software.

Later, property containing that GUID can be mapped in HDC and indicated in TOBIS as an identification field for that domain. 

Having everything in order here, will enable smooth import process and proper integration or data exchange with other applications that recognize the same GUID.

When it comes to documents, it all depend if the document is explicitly linked in XML file or not. If not, a "default" document will be created and linked, but it can't be recognized for update.

In most cases that will result in duplicated document if an import is perspemed from the same file (Fi2 package). 

Any proeprty that is guaranteed to be unique can be used, like an original CAD file name:

Please note, that if a unique identifier is provided, entire database is checked for presence of such document. If more domcuents have the same ID, it can lead to a wrong document being identified and updated. 

Performing Import

 There are no specific settings for Fi2 import. Please refere to mian Import manual. 


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